Asallamualakum my brothers and sisters.
Honestly, i don't think that there should be sunnahs and ****es because there should only be one muslim and everyone with the same practices that are told to do so and sunnah and ****e don't exist in Islam. To me, It's haraam! There should only be one...
Muslims should always fear Allah the Al Mighty. In the Hadith, it is written that many men have feared Allah so much, they cried and lost their eyesight. You SHOULD fear Allah! He is your Lord and Creator! He has the power to do anything he wants. I hope this helps inshAllah and...
Asallamualakum my brother. I am muslim and mashAllah, i am PROUD TO BE ONE. These are nice fine facts you have written. I am reading the hadith right now and those facts you said are true.
Well done my brother.
Hi All!
As you all know i'm muslim and i believe in God of course and evolution.
MY name is Wasif and i'm 13 years old. I like my own religion, video games, music for sure, movies, school and many other stuff.
Well, I'm here to click n debate so i'm ready. ;)
P.S My...
Well, I'm muslim and i believe in God but we must not follow religion strictly we should us common sense as well. It dosen't matter if we are who we are it matters who we are inside, so does it make a difference if a person dosen't in God and one other does?
This is how the world works. Maybe...