Thanks for the awesome posts!
You present a lot of interesting information.
If I wanted to learn more about Judeo-Christian history, what books would you recommend starting with.?
I'm not a smart guy, so I'd need something basic.
Maybe something that would be good listening material...
Hello everyone!
I was talking with fellow Christian friends a few days ago about general religious concepts. I was taken back when I discovered that they didn't believe that they were "children of God". I was taught from my earliest years that we are children of God. My parents taught me to...
Yeah, Katzpur what more can you share? You had a lot of interesting concepts.
There are definitely billions and billions of people who never get to hear of Jesus. It has always bothered me...
Thanks FaithWithinMe for looking into this!
Thanks all for your responses! You are all too kind!
I've leared a little from each of you... I'm still not convinced there is solid doctrine in main-stream christanity on this topic but I will continue to study and pray for more understanding!
Thanks for your post! I agree there are a lot of people who are born in the wrong place at the wrong time. But you say it's "misfortune" that they are born that way. Is it misfortune, or did God put them there? ..and if we say God put them there, then is He responsible for their lack of...
Eliab ben Benjamin,
Thanks for your reply. I did not know that "salvation" or "original sin" was such a Christian concept. But this only bolsters my frustration with the original question to my fellow Christians.. Why is there such little OT discussion on salvation as we learn it today? If it is...
Hello all! I'm new to the forum!
I have been thinking lately about the doctrine of salvation.
If we are saved by accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and committing to serve him for the remainder of our lives (for which there is decent scriptural backing)... How was salvation...