this has nothing to do with your orientation.
If it is a choice that show us. Choose right now to be a happy functioning homosexual go out and start a family with a man and be happy for at least the next ten years
referrals not cases
again i will ask you demonstrate this corruption and again you will not respond
Thailand, India and Brazil have the highest per capita rates of transgenderism
Only if you ignore evidence
by ignoring the majority of available studies
as are the dangers of...
standard nomenclature verses undefined nd made up
really? Then maybe you can point out what studies they looked at dealing with not providing care
Long-term Outcomes After Gender-Affirming Surgery: 40-Year Follow-up Study Rachel H Park
Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary...
3% growth is not exponential
3% isn't massive.
but that aside how about increased societal awareness, acceptance of transgender identities, and improved access to healthcare related to gender affirming care
no evidence
no evidence
It isn't. The label is used to diminish the kids as either...
The Review talks about evidence quality and does not define it. Standard research evaluation uses designations “high,” “moderate,” “low,” and “very low” are used to describe evidence. Cass uses its own quality descriptors “weak” and “poor” over 30 times in the report.
The Review fixates on...
Puberty blockers have been in use for over 40 years and tens of thousands of children have been on them usually for medical conditions like precocious puberty. Puberty blockers pause puberty and when you stop taking the medication puberty picks up where it lest off.
Yeah the contagion thing. Based on a retracted study Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria by Lisa Littman. Littman surveyed parents of trans youth but recruited her sample from websites aimed at parents who reject the idea...