IT doesn't need apologists.
Actually when you make the claim that almost all kids identified as trans "outgrow" this by the time they reach adult hood you re making a claim and the burden of proof falls on you.
he principle of onus probandi, which comes from the Latin maxim Onus probandi...
in statistics when a data point or value significantly deviates from the typical pattern or central tendency of a dataset it is considered statistically uncommon or rare, often identified as an outlier. There no dividing line between "normal" and "abnormal" Your numbers are meaningless, or...
looking at the refence used by your link: Mental health and gender dysphoria: A review of the literature C Dhejne, "There is an small but significant (0.7%) increase in the diagnosis of bipolar 1 disorder of transgendered individuals starting after age 30 indicating that there is an outside...
and again youth who are actaully trans don't "grow out of it"
that is why WPATH guidelines repeatedly indicate that ever individual has to be treated as unique case and any treatment needs to be tailored specifically to them.
No one grows out out of it
not providing care does huge amounts of...
It cased people to be feared and physically abused. And statistically left-handed people are far more likely to die at a younger age due to accidents.
It is a mental condition and most people with it are able to lead perfectly normal lives
would you use that answer to justify hate and...
how many left handed people had their bones broken to force them to use their right hands?
Within living memory they were considered abnormal and immoral just like how many view trans people today.
a 7% correlation with being on the autism spectrum isn't huge
trans youth are no more likely to be diagnosed as bipolar than cis youth.
Trans youth do have a significantly higher incidence of depression but that can be traced to minority stress, you know having to deal with people who don't...