Just as the current laws allow. There was a bipartisan reform of the laws, but Trump sabotaged it. That's on republicans if you don't like the status of the border.-The so called reform was not real border control at all, leaving wide open borders, the wall was a great solution which the...
Differences, Race: This is perhaps the most obvious of the many moral differences between liberalism and leftism. The essence of the liberal position on race was that the color of one’s skin is insignificant. To liberals of a generation ago, only racists believed that race is intrinsically...
Its crystal clear, specifically out of control borders, inflation, taxation at any level stymies economic growth, it is the free enterprise system that raises people up from poverty, not endless government programs. The 'once' great democrat party of say FDR now over run with woke lunacy...
Yes Arizona is relatively woke free, the massive homeless, high taxation, no Newsome no one confused about what bathroom to use, and the exodus continues , a sign should be put up "Leaving California, welcome to the USA"
"That's rocking good news. I support that agenda." Yes a leftist agenda, and worldwide how has that worked out in the last 125 years in all that tried it? inflation, borders out of control, woke absurdities- Theocratic agenda? straw man, not a single 'theocrat' on the court.
I would call the Democrats now Leftists, not liberals. A real liberal was MLK who promoted being 'color blind.' The left 'as a rule' is secular, the right 'as a rule' is religious. Secularism is not immoral or moral, it is 'a-moral,' a vacuum in which all sorts of absurdities emerge. Today it...
True, are they a potential threat or a real threat? My Dying Father , ww2 vet wanted to go go kill them in Idaho, the logic being by the time they tried to prosecute him he would be dead, and his rationale was 'he was just finishing the job"
Under jurisdiction of the Democratic party schools will now be inviting Satan and his minions to participate in the states ad nations schoosl activities throughout the state. As part of the states inclusivity and diversity program children's story hour , DLM,(Demon Lives Matter ) and the...
Nazis are no longer in power, except for small groups in northern Idaho and some online, true, a small cancerous cell can grow are they worth the effort? are they a real or potential threat? My late Father, ww2 combat vet killed lots of Nazis, wanted to kill the ones he saw in northern Idaho in...