I thought it would be nice to share our favorite things about home, and by "home" II mean the place you currently live in.
I live in Bordeaux, south west of France, and the city is beautiful, but for me the best about living here is the work/life balance. It's big enough so I have everything I...
Not everything has to be spiritual. I believe God created sex to be enjoyed and also as a way to bring a couple together. Sex is only contrary to the spirit if it goes against God's law.
So, they are living with their parents, I guess because moving out is so expensive, but instead of investing in their education or saving to be able to leave the parents house, they spend money on stuff??? They haven't met my dad!
From a Biblical point of view, there are scriptures that point to the end of this system. The events described have been going on for a number of years (Matt. 24:7,8; Luke 21:11; 2 Tim. 3: 1-5).
It is good to keep things in perspective though and remember that in Matthew 24:42-44 it clearly says...
Correlation is not causation, but it's true that it makes me wonder. People criticize religion a lot - and they are right - but in the end, moving away from religion doesn't seem to be improving society.
By definition a Christian is a follower of Christ. In Matthew 16:24 Jesus invited his disciples to be his followers by saying " “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and keep following me."
Christians view the Bible as the inspired Word of God...
From what I keep learning, although many people today live longer, they also tend to be sicker; so longevity is not necessarily related to quality of life.
I believe we have more access to information, but that's not always translated into a better education. In certain parts of the world...
I hope your family understands that you shouldn't go into debt to buy gifts and that they value your presence in their lives and not the material things.
Fair point, but how much are you willing to compromise? I have to say I have a very hard time doing something that I really don't want to do just to be polite.