Since the descriptor for the size of the flood is not as ambitious as most think, it is not even that much of an exaggeration. The bible is basically saying this:
1. Dude builds a big boat
2. Fills it with animals from his region
3. A particularly large flood occured that brought his vessel to...
I believe they are multiple reasons to believe in a localized flood, including:
The seaworthiness of Noah's ark (Noah’s Ark and Naval Architecture — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY). There are not many feasible ways that Moses (the supposed author of Genesis) was an expert when it comes to seaworthy...
Do you know that feeling when you discover new music that is absolutely, positively, awesome? I have not had that feeling in an awfully long while. Do you guys know of any music that is truly awe-inspiringly amazing.
P.S. it dosen't really have to be mindbogglingly awesome as long as it is decent.
Well, many christians forsake Saturday for Sunday. As this is a forum dedicated to Abrahamic religion, it would include Baha'i and Islam. I do not know enough about those religions to tell whether they have a sabbath or not. I included the possibility of other sabbaths just in case.
If one knows the Lord, they will love others. Jesus even stated it was the second greatest commandment.
Everyone does want to be loved, but they have to accept that love in its full.
Some things do self-destruct. They resist love long enough until they finally give up. Consider all those who...
Look around. Does everyone walk in love and know the Lord? No. For an extreme example, consider all the murderers and rapist. Also, may people still say to their neighbor, "Know the Lord," because not everyone knows him already.
This promise is still for the future.
What it says:
"You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you."
What it does NOT say:
I didn't know sin was in you till I found it.
"Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen.
-Revelation 1:7
If we didn't notice, then it didn't happen.
No, it is saying Lucifer was blameless before sin was found in him. You cant find something that isn't there. Before them, the bible calls him blamless. Not that God didn't know about it till then, but that he was blameless before then.
The bible dosen't say that God dosen't know the future until he "looks" that way. He just constantly perceives all of time, including the future.
Probably as a test, for them to decide whether they would lie or not. At least, that's how I always saw it.
It is not saying that God didn't know...