Coming from a more stringent religious background, after much independent study and dedication, I have developed a mentality different from those I began under, but no less faithful in application, if not more so. I've read the arguments for apostacy and infidelity, and by the standards as they...
Like before they began photosynthesizing coming from the primordial soup, I wonder. Each specific type of life form went through many processes to become what we know as the living world. At some point, what we know as life existed apart from sunlight.
The Christian looks at the lady at the bar as says: "You know drunkards have no place in heaven, right?"
The Catholic says: "I will hear your confession if you're ready"
The Buddhist says: "You must lose need for your attachment's"
The Muslim says: Nothing he simply drops to the floor in...
I suggested living truthfully and being sincere to be the elemental building principle that enables people to get along. Love can be extended without having any type of interaction at all. The households or communities I'm speaking about are more so about philosophy, values, interests, and...
Considering where we come from and the hostile nature of our beginnings, I'll suggest he would go to make peace and teach principles that are able to lead us into greater security and likewise greater cooperation between houses and people. I couldn't imagine this task to be an easy one, given we...
"The mingling of divinity with humanity and the building of the house of god" ... I will add within each individual, personally. For me it's a spiritual application of truth and correctness. I will add that the many mansions would, at least for me, equate to the many governments, religions...
I wonder how it can be stated as irrelevant, even when the concept is a human construct and originating from the human conscious intellect, or maybe other creatures know also the brevity of life activity well enough to acknowledge a due date ... eventually. Either way, time is opportunity and...
Well, I've chosen you to be the guardian of these books and their secrets. I want you to copy them. You speak Latin; not many do. Your job will be to preserve these works and these... fragments, for all eternity. But if you ever tell anyone about them, I will let them crucify you.
It's about evolution and increased capabilities, which I'm quite certain are very different than what we are able to witness today. Dimly lit, yup probably... plants require sunlight or a decent spectrum able to accommodate growth, so I'm curious how this may have been possible and what they...