It wouldn't be teaching the "Trump" bible. It would be including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Pledge of Allegiance. The bibles to be utilized for the academic application, and for stated purposes include American precepts, and the translation to...
I'm thinking this might be useful as a foundational association:
"Effective Feild Christian Church" (Modern Christianity)
The implication being true to its nature.
Borrowing from my upbringing and my involvement with many Christian denominations, the premise has a similar purpose to those of...
English to other language translators and other language translators to English aren't always accurate in how the text is translated for the discussions.
A day in the life of a living soul, the life and birth of two souls in one, from before birth to after death, and "whose" contributions to the world remain, as an active presence in the lives of those on similar journeys.
So, it appears the id, ego, consciousness, and awareness are the premise to which you are alluding, and have been addressed over and over ad nauseum in this discussion, already. We've spoken of conception, the big bang birth of the universe, genetic travel routes, and the infinite prospect and...
Civics, citizenship, status, we the people, sociology, government, psychology, activism, freedom of speech, grievances and petitions to bills and laws, court rulings, etc. and how we as citizens process or comprehend the true nature of the decisions made by our courts and how we the people...
I'm looking at it from the perspective of world government, from past to present, and how these affect today's cultures with a more secular aim and intent. There's no question that religion has played major roles in all the territories of the world, Christianity and Catholicism being the most...
It could be utilized inappropriately, but I'll give today's youth a little more credence than to be so gullible as to not think with a critical mind. Also, it's grade 5 and up, if I'm not mistaken. The bible is both literature and history.
Thus far, I have noted the push to include the bible in public schools as part of the curriculum as an historic text, to be studied as an academic by the students, and that to ensure the purpose and intent is clear, the type of bibles to be mandated and utilized should include the declaration of...
The hierarchy of such an entity will be appointed how and by whom, and include which types of people? I have already made mention of limited freedoms and my people having less ability to voice themselves and possible grievances as a result of. The title of the Bahaullah is also in question, and...
The point I was attempting to make is that the insinuation, suggesting it makes 0 mention of the spirit of God, was presumed in error. If the spirit of God is not about truth, then what is it about?
Then, Bahaullah is another teacher with a large support group who is in agreement with creating bridges between the nations in an effort to establish more peaceful relations? Like I stated before, it sounds good face value, but what position will your teacher hold as the one who initiated the...
The projected funds generated could be the reason they are being suggested or mandated, specifically. I'm pretty sure that's it. It makes sense and seems to be an appropriate, unified bilateral type of effort proposed for the purpose of the inclusion itself.