Hmmm...i dont quite agree. Being set apart, means you have set yourself apart for god to work on you. And to work through you. Thats why Jesus was holy, he was set apart. And anybody that has been set apart for the Workmanship of God is holy because they are set apart for him to work on and...
The thought has crossed my mind that during the time of Noah, all the continents as we know them today were not what the dry land looked like in the times of naoh. It could very well be that the land was much smaller, therefore a world wide flood not improbable. By that I mean that the part of...
I agree with you, God is glorified when his creation finds joy in Him. He is utterly happy with himself, and our joy in Him expresses and reflects His own Glory.
I like what Christine said,that it was a loss of innocence. The innocence was lost due to the knowledge of evil. Evil tempts. Innocence is lost when evil is given in to. Adam did not bring evil into this world, there was evil around before he sinned. There would not be a tree of knowledge of...
HE HE....indeed, you are going at lightning speed but is God keeping up? You are His workmanship, and therefore anything that he has accomplished in you is entirely perfect. You are not perfect when you are finished, you are perfect in every step of your progress simply because God cannot do...
Yes, yes and yes again. If we cannot be happy Christians we are to be pittied indeed. If we cannot find joy in God we are truly misserable. Everything God does is for our joy. I sometimes wonder why people believe that god wants us to be misserable! What kind of pleasure can god get out of...
Spilled coffee on my laptop. Nearly lost all my info because...well...i dont have a back-up. Thank fully only the keyboard had to be replaced. I need to go buy one of those external harddrives to back up the HD in the laptop for safety sake.
How you been jerry?
I ask myself the same question most saturday nights. HE HE.... Im a homey kind of person. Like to put the volume up on the stereo, grab a glass of wine and flop my brain around like a fish out of water on saturday nights. It does hurt a little on a sunday morning, due to too much thinking on a...