I believe the Trinity is not about turning Jesus into the Father although in a sense that does happen when the Spirit of God leaves Jesus on the cross and returns to being the Father albeit now the Father has a Jesus consciousness ie memory.
I believe there is a difference beteen having the gift of prophecy and simply being given a propecy to serve a particular purpose. He is saying Paul had thae latter.
I believe you should speak for yourself. Christians are encouraged to become like chidren to enter into the Kingdom of God.
I believe angels bring messages. Not to mention donkeys.
I believe that is false. The only one a person can be born into is the Paraclete.
I believe that is false. The...
I believe it is an end of the world as we know it. There will be a new earth and the stars will be in a different place in relation to the erath making a new heaven.
I believe you are in error again. The sheep and goats are separated at the Rapture.
I believe the text does not say that. There is a resurrection of the Just and unjust but not the one that takes place at the Rapture. So your statement is too general.