Matriachal religions, you know those mother goddess kinda ones, always make me feel demasuclated. I prefer a more genderless religion. Here is an idea, instead of calling it god, call the Brahman the Divine. Thats kinda gender nuetral.
Also for the random thoughts thing, I find counting your breath helps. One thing I have a problem with is that my body itchs, I will bring it up on the meditation group.+1
well I personally think that New Ageism is like leaving a sex offender to baby sit your kids, a very bad idea and the people who do it are pants on head retarded.But I think the falling half asleep thing is meant to happen.The key to not twitching is to stop trying, its actually very easy once...
Tell me, does your body twitch? That usd to happen to me a lot.But I am being presumptious, I will try to help you as best I can. Why can't you meditate?
I'd say learned about them is easy, adopting the mindset is hard. Focusing your mind on trying to achieve this one goal. Freedom from desire, achieving a state of consionce, a union with God.Abandoning a lot of our own precepts and such, to focus on this goal. That is the hard part.
Who dosn't love a god that flies a MOTHA ****** MOUNTAIN!What about Buddhism? Its similarish, well actually nowhere near, but still.You don't need to go to a community.
Well I found it on a troll version of wiki, so maybe its not that accurate.But I did google it and it turns out that another stereotype is "dressed in all black, with a lot of body piercing and plenty of tatoo's"Do you guys hve any of that...
Me and a couple of other friends who have considered oe practiced Hinduism often feel that, the god arn't real, they are hollow shells.Why might we feel that? Dispite wanting to believe these gods are real, that they are in the heavens, they just don't seem real.
For love of the gods, please, please don't get offended.I just want to know your oppinion that most pagans are ugly, fat, pale, ect, ect.Where did this come from? Do you think its false? If so why? If you think its true, same question.