I would like to know that, but I don't think God thought it was really need so he didn't tell any of them to write it. Bummer.
Maybe a spirit is a soul.
Wow I never heard of that question before and Sadly I'm not sure how to answer that, but I'll give it a shot. I would say that there is only one true spirit and that is Jesus. God in the old testament was an Spirit and if you saw the spirit while you was alive you would die. Holy Spirit/Holy...
When you see the word son with a lower case s it means a child of some guy or girl, but when you see the s in son capitalize it means the the flesh of something usually containing to God.
It's all about the eye of the Beholder really. I would ask how is the Aztec sacrifice of human's justifiable and you would ask how is the sacrifice of Animals by the Hebrews justifiable. It will just turn into a huge argument that I really don't want to get into.
hmmm normally I compare the two gods, But I understand what you mean and your view point. Myself I usually tell them to be careful when messing with evil spirits you never know their true agenda.
Eh okay. I don't think that knowing yourself that this is the one true god is enough. Thats not what Jesus told his disciples to do. Jesus said and I'm paraphrasing here "Go out into all the nations and preach repentance and Baptism in my name" As a Christian we have a great commission to teach...