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Search results

  1. uu_sage

    Do you, or would you, join a megachurch preaching prosperity theology?

    Jesus makes it very clear that he is opposed to the prosperity movement and all other theological traditions that are influenced by it. One of his most bold and prophetic moves was to overturn the tables of the temple with the moneychangers quoting scripture by saying, "My house shall be a house...
  2. uu_sage

    DIR Rules Poll, Christianity DIR

    I would prefer the Green option
  3. uu_sage

    I Am A Christian!

    Doing and adhering to the beliefs you just listed makes you a bad Christian. Loving, accepting, forgiving and serving like Jesus did makes you a good Christian.
  4. uu_sage

    Born Again Christians, Sin and Repentance

    The way that I see it is that as Christians regardless of our denominational background or tradition, are seeking to grow into the stature of Christ (being aligned with his teaching and example, forgiving as he did, welcoming people as Jesus did, serving as he did) All of us no matter our faith...
  5. uu_sage

    How do you view other faiths

    I believe that while Christianity is my path to God, I honor other religions as a path to God. Within each religion there are similarities and differences and each tradition can teach us something about the human condition, life and the mystery of God.
  6. uu_sage

    What if God were one of us?

    Since God is spirit and transcends naming or form, I don't think most people would be able to grasp the mystery of God nor could they handle the experience of God first hand because encountering God first hand would likely challenge people's narrow images or beliefs about God.
  7. uu_sage

    Georgia Parents Torture Adopted Daughter, Say They Were Just Following The Bible

    Child abuse and child endangerment are illegal. It blows my mind that people can misuse the names of God and Christ for destructive and hateful purposes. This couple should never have been allowed to adopt or raise children period. I wonder why Georgia Child Protective Services hasn't responded...
  8. uu_sage

    what gives credibility?

    Creationism is not science. Believing God as the creator does not make you a creationist. In order to be a creationist you have to not only believe in God but also hold to the belief that the universe was created between 5 to 10,000 years (Young earth creationism) or older than 10,000 years (old...
  9. uu_sage

    Skinny Dipping?

    I think most people in this country are perfectly fine and comfortable with skinny dipping. I have skinny dipped a couple times and it is a lot of fun. I skinny dipped with a group of twenty that was half women and half men. It was me and some buddies from college in beautiful Palm Springs.
  10. uu_sage

    Christians who deny Christ's divinity/Trinity

    I reject the man made doctrine called the Trinity. I affirm Jesus' divinity but reject his deity. Jesus was divine in that he had deep and intimate union with God and he was attuned to God's wisdom and presence. God was in Jesus as God is present in all people and all life. God is our Father...
  11. uu_sage

    A Simple SEX poll, (not hard to answer at all)

    I'm religious and spiritual and I proudly engage in sex before marriage. Sexuality I believe is a gift of God and it needs to be celebrated rather than shamed. When I'm making love to my fiance I feel closest to God.
  12. uu_sage

    Gallup poll: "7 in 10 Republicans Don't Believe in Evolution"

    I am a liberal in the Green Party and I accept evolution as fact.
  13. uu_sage

    Christian: Do you believe in TULIP?

    As a Christian Universalist, I am a three point Calvinist- Unconditional election, perseverance of the saints and irresistible grace. If I had to express TULIP from a Universalist perspective this is what it would look like: Total reconciliation Unlimited atonement LOVE Irresistible grace...
  14. uu_sage

    Dis/ Respectful?

    All people no matter who they are or where they find themselves on the journey of faith are welcomed at Christ's table. The table is neither Protestant nor Catholic but it is the Lord's table and all are welcome to partake. Communion I believe is the celebration of God's unconditional love and...
  15. uu_sage

    "Our debts" or "our trespasses"? Which do you use?

    My personal preference for the Lord's prayer is the language of trespass and trespasses but I honor other language such as debts/debtors, or sins/sin.
  16. uu_sage

    Will Romney be the Next President?

    A Supreme Court case called Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific Railroad (1886) established corporate personhood and corporate citizenship. Citizens United reaffirmed the Santa Clara County case and made corporate personhood worse. So if we are to dismantle corporate personhood, both of these...
  17. uu_sage

    Will Romney be the Next President?

    It depends. As a liberal in the Green Party, I think there is not much difference between Romney and Obama. Obama represents what Republicans were 30 years ago (center right) and Romney represents the Conservative fringe. Romney will win assuming the the American people have political amnesia...
  18. uu_sage

    Choosing a Religion Does God Care?

    God is beyond our human comprehension and naming so to assign God a religion or any human identity is idolatrous and constraining. God I believe is more concerned about treating other people fairly, lovingly and compassionately rather than obsessing over what religion you are or your lack thereof.
  19. uu_sage

    Ex Christians

    King of the Jungle- My way of being Christian is about following in Jesus' example and teaching and not blindly adhering to doctrines created about Jesus centuries after his death. Jesus said there was two commandments that summed the law and the prophets and those were to "Love the Lord your...
  20. uu_sage

    Ex Christians

    In answer to your question, I believe that Jesus is son of the living God. He is son of God in that he had deep communion and relationship to God and he is son of God in that we are all God's children.