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  1. james bond

    Multiverse Theory Debunked Using Scientific Method.

    Last point first, Everett was mocked heavily when he came up with it. I laughed out loud when he popped up in the vid. As for his ideas, weren't they more Schrodinger's? He seemed have given it more credence in 1935 from what I read. Everett - Mocked and scorned for his many worlds theory...
  2. james bond

    Multiverse Theory Debunked Using Scientific Method.

    Okay. I've read about these, but aren't they in one quantum state already and low temperatures?
  3. james bond

    Multiverse Theory Debunked Using Scientific Method.

    Can you give a couple of examples? How macroscopic are you talking about -- tennis balls? Thank you. I shouldn't be so argumentative. This could go both ways.
  4. james bond

    Multiverse Theory Debunked Using Scientific Method.

    Are you Hugh Everett III? I just bashed him to death in my last post. He didn't believe Shrodinger, nor the wave collapsing, nor backed the Copenhagen Principle. Maybe that's not fair. What superposition exists at the quantum level? What Shrodinger did was a thought experiment in order to...
  5. james bond

    Multiverse Theory Debunked Using Scientific Method.

    Yes. Einstein thought there were hidden variables, but that was disproved by the experiment. It also showed Ervin Shrodinger was wrong, too. I won't insult these scientists by tossing Hugh Everett III into it. What a clown. If you believe him, then give up the Copenhagen interpretation...
  6. james bond

    Multiverse Theory Debunked Using Scientific Method.

    Denial is not science. There is no multiverse experiment because there is no multiverse to work with. Stephen Hawking was investigating the past light from the big bang to see if he could find evidence to back up a multiverse, but didn't find anything. OTOH, the Bible tells us that God...
  7. james bond

    Multiverse Theory Debunked Using Scientific Method.

    People who like quantum mechanics should get a kick out of this. We have an experiment now that shows that multiverses cannot exist. The many worlds theory that a majority of scientists believe today is just illusion. It only exists when the quantum particles are measured (observed) and...
  8. james bond

    Can philosophy be proved by the scientific method

    I was confused, too. Maybe you should ask is the scientific method a philosophy? It could be a philosophy of science.
  9. james bond

    Richard Dawkins on Jesus Dying for Sins

    Atheism came about from those who practiced pagan worship. Putting a false idol like no God would mean punishment for one's big sin.
  10. james bond

    Why did you Change your world view?

    This isn't an example of changing my worldview, but one if I was an atheist of changing my worldview. Do you want to hear the best thing I ever heard an atheist say? This was when apologist Dr. William Lane Craig was debating Professor Lawrence Krauss of ASU and author of A Universe from...
  11. james bond

    Richard Dawkins on Jesus Dying for Sins

    This statement from Dawkin's doesn't make any sense. If someone commits a crime, then they would have to pay their debt to society. One would have to repent their sin to God in order to receive forgiveness. I think it goes to show that Dawkins remains a sinner. God had Moses write the Ten...
  12. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    The easy way is to have your cake and eat it, too. However, like the children, you'll have to accept the consequences :rolleyes:. Now, I think that video that appeared on my youtube list seems to be Catholic. I went to parochial school as a kid and rebelled when I was 13. Just too much guilt...
  13. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    Do you have children? If you tell them not to do something like don't eat that cake I just baked for tonight's dinner gathering, then your kids know in their minds the difference between good and evil. Adam and Eve knew because God told them to that it is all right to eat from countless...
  14. james bond

    Do you have Bible questions today?

    Most of it is a metaphor as it is a prophecy. It is a description of the end of world prophecy. Anyway, one atheist already topped what you just said. This was after Prof. Lawrence Krauss described what would make him reconsider God not existing. God would have to rearrange the stars to...
  15. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    Yes, it was the ToK of good and evil. You're not answering my question and I've given you the passage. (Thinking out loud to myself) Anyway, this is the way it goes with most who take the wide path. What Adam and Eve did was what Satan thought and did. It's the same today with humans who...
  16. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    Okay, this is an important lesson from Adam and Eve. What exactly was their sin? What did you get from what Satan said to them? "The Fall Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You1 shall...
  17. james bond

    Do you have Bible questions today?

    You know, if I have to guess, the focus is wrong in the video. With Protestants, the focus is on the narrow gate versus the wide gate. The narrow gate is the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the door and the way; it is a path that becomes a journey through life. "Jesus said to him, "I...
  18. james bond


    Original sin is what you are doing in the second to the last sentence. It is the key learning to what happened with Adam and Eve. Sure, there is Adam's sin in that we are all born of it. The evidence is we are all flesh and blood creatures and this means death, but it's what he and you did in...
  19. james bond

    Do you have Bible questions today?

    First, you lied once again as you do not answer my questions I highlighted in green -- Are you going to answer my question that I presented? Did you even look at the video? Why do you claim that it's a false dichotomy?. Instead, you ask me more questions and I've already pointed out that I'm...