Remind me - who has shown that we were created from dust of the ground no more than 10000 years ago?
Oh - and I grow tired of posting this, but creationists always seem to ignore it for some reason :
I forget now who originally posted these on this forum*, but I keep it in my archives because...
For many years, I was totally convinced of the reality of alien abduction. I read Whit Strieber's books and was hooked. Everything seemed legitimate. I can remember shaking my head at 'the deniers', wondering why they could not accept the truth of the claims of these people.
Then.... I...
Why not leave in the context?
When the scientist is proved wrong, he/she admits the error and moves on*. When the Preacher makes an error, they deny they were wrong, and call the doubters blasphemers and such.
*Unless the scientist is aligned with the political right, then they double down...
You mean like Adam from dust of the ground?
How is that explained?
Details please.
And when you answer "God" to my question above, whatever shall I conclude?
Oh - one other thing - implying that abiogenesis is part of the Theory of Evolution is a lie, so you might want to stop bearing false...
He's gotten better at covering up his obvious plagiarism, but he missed the lost exponential notation. Looks like he adds commas and changes a few words and phrases here and there to avoid detection, but it is pretty obviously copied-modified-pasted.
The odds of 2 nucleotides randomly combining is zero?
Please demonstrate with more that paraphrased rhetoric.
Or did you never take stats, either?
What happened?
Are you really so naïve as to think that anyone has ever claimed that a fully functioning genome arose all at once by chance?
Please DEFINE information as it pertains to genetics and genomes.
I will snip your obviously paraphrased-without-attribution creationist diatribe.
Back when creationists first tried to use Information Theory (unsuccessfully) to attack evolution (rather than support creationism), I did some...
Amazing how much verbiage creationists will employ to avoid having to admit that their understanding of the "analogy" between actual genetic activity is not exactly like computer software/hardware is something to behold...
Gomer did not even bother to comment on ANY of this.
Gomer is not to be...