Images abound in scripture passages especially for revelation that are used to depict things, even our Lord. We have the seven eye seven horn lamb that appeared to be slain but lived still. That is our Lord, according to what is said with this depiction.
I only see mother as one representing type, but not what God generally conforms to. I can see God is not of a gender and is beyond gender, still. So I have become a bit shy of using pronouns that we conform to, for God. I don't fully avoid it, but I use the word God a lot more for God, without a...
I don't think it bad to ask others, at appropriate times, within some context, when there is dialogue already established, what they believe. I don't think it is bad in similar contexts to be asked about what I believe about something. I can't tell others everything I believe, still, there would...
I think there is hell as originally taught, yet people have interpreted it with horrid torture they imagine there must be, as burning forever, from imagery that was used, when it was really about God's absolutely fairness in judgment, which any of us going there would really not want and would...
I inquire, but I will want to share what I think already, for it to be heard. If neither I nor another speaking with me are willing to rethink anything at all, there would be less to discuss.
I am willing to explore what is new information including of others' beliefs. But it would only be actual facts that are verified that if contrary to something I understood would change that for me. I know to not run from truth, the truth is desirable.
Free choice, which we do have, to an extent, should not be taken away. What we have of that is from God. But what good is it without choice being informed choice? And we don't know enough, or are informed enough, about many choices. Believers in God should then seek God and be prayerful for...
I have where I fit shown with my profile, but the fit is not really great with others of that set, I don't agree as much with what others there agree to. I can find argument from some among them for things I might say sincerely. So maybe being a glutton for punishment I try this forum site out...