Clearly that's enough training.
"New York City police statistics show that simply hitting a target, let alone hitting it in a specific spot, is a difficult challenge. In 2006, in cases where police officers intentionally fired a gun at a person, they discharged 364 bullets and hit their target...
Perhaps if Trump understood what it takes to train, weekly, in order to become and stay proficient in handgun accuracy he wouldn't suggest such absurd proposals.
Certainly they have laws against the discharge of firearms in residential neighborhoods at least. I'm think n he broke at least a few more laws. The use of a firearm in the death of another musta broke some law or three.
Many people follow the precepts and practices of a multitude of religions and spiritual practices to the same end. They have done this for centuries.
Is this not valid?
I'm starting to percieve that some people will never understand faith because they are just not equipped for it. Their make-up has predestined them to be clueless to the mysteries involved.
Words, on a personal level, are only a representation of our reality. To truly understand another person, they must be reached on another level other than words. Perceptions must be trusted.
What I believe, which I found out had a name afterwards, Non-competing Magisteria, is that both the natural world and the Biblical (some would say spiritual, but I am after all a narrow-minded Biblist.) are true.
It's a conundrum. I think people are best served if they contemplate conundrums on...