It's Saturday here. :)
It's called a Khanda, and each bit has a specific meaning. The two swords represent spritual and material, worldly matters. The circle which inside the swords is called a chakkar and representsthe infinite, endless divine, justice (the chakkar being at one time an actual...
I've never felt more sure I wish to be a Sikh, more than any other religion I've studied or considered. Not being able to tell them is painful, but given I'm unsure as to what their reaction will be, I likely can't.
You can, if you wish, read a portion of the SGGS online each day via the Sikhnet page. I'll give you the link: Daily Hukamnama | SikhNet
If you're wanting general info, both Sikhnet (the website I mention above) and also AllAboutSikhs (Welcome to Gateway to Sikhism - Gateway to Sikhism) are...