I don't find the question useful, for several reasons:
The opposite of being religious is NOT being an atheist, it's being irreligious.
Religion, however defined, is extremely heterogenous. Talking "pushing back on religion" is incoherent, just like talking about "pushing back on culture."...
Fun fact:
This forum here was literally created to be a space for outsiders to ask about other religious traditions in a discussion-based environment because of the restrictions of DIRs.
To add - calling something a "problem" is a subjective assessment and designation projected onto reality by a human. It is a normative judgement rather than an impartial description of that which is the case, as it declares that reality "ought" to be some way other than what it is. The...
You're not exactly wrong, but you're not exactly right. But I want to draw a distinction between two things that is too often overlooked:
Science refers to a method or a body of knowledge. It describes a way of knowing and a way of learning about the world, meaning it can be done for its own...
The Devil isn't really part of my religion, but as usual the cultural influence of Christianity means I can't not know something about it, for better or worse. Plus, since Pagans get conflated with "devil worshipers" in some circles you end up knowing more about it than you'd like as a Pagan to...
Eh, I've seen both. The thing is, when you're working in a niche field there are maybe a handful of other scholars also working on that thing. You'll name names in that case. You'll also name names when it comes to acknowledging some of those first handful of research pioneers who started...
Traditional, university academia as a post-graduate student getting a Master of Science degree in conservation/ecological/plant biology; after that I stayed on as an employee of the university for a while to finish up some bits and pieces related to the research. Basically, research directly...
You won't know what it is really like to live somewhere until you do.
Once you are there, conditions can and will change.
Wherever geographically you are, in general this culture is terrible at counting blessings. Until things are taken away. Before then, it is simply taken for granted.
Eh, as someone who is a peer-reviewed scholar it sounds like you've basically run into the phenomena of the internet pseudointellectual - a particular species that is really just interested in grandstanding, posturing, and chest beating once you peel back the veneer of intellectualism (hence...
No, because religion =/= theism and atheism =/= irreligion.
What bothers me is that these are constantly conflated with one another as if all religion must be theistic (no, incorrect) and all irreligion is atheistic (no, incorrect).
I don't believe technology will be humanity's savior, as I've probably gestured to before. Not because it is hypothetically impossible, but because humans ensure it is practically impossible. We don't have a culture that respects the land, that respects limits, that respects the...
I'm not sure I can let @The Hammer beat me out in number of posts... not after @JustGeorge kicked things off to make it sound like a race or competition. :tongueclosed:
One of the things that's interesting is the relationship between Wicca and Druidry. Both of these religions - at least in...
The social angle is considered in the development of some of these "games." It's why the cosmetics angle is so powerful. It has resulted in real world bullying.
Well, I'm not a man so I can't say what mankind needs. But if it is as diverse and heterogenous as womankind and nonbinary kind, I doubt this is one size fits all.
No, but it is routine for folks to talk about stuff you don't do. Doesn't really matter what it is, it happens and will happen.
For some added context about video games specifically, however - be aware that some modern games are literally designed to be addictive and psychologically...
It's not how things are framed in my tradition, so I'm not sure how comparable the practices I have are to the intended spirit (sorry) of the topic.
For me, all beings have nonphysical aspects but only some beings in the present time and present space have physical aspects. "Spirit" is a...
Yeah, the only water I've ever had that lacked taste was artificially distilled with machines. Which then, paradoxically, tastes weird. I don't know how else to put it. It tastes fake or something. Like every connection it had to the greater whole - the place it came from and the...
It's not complicated - the mythologies of a given region will reflect the environment they were woven in. I haven't taken a crash course in the history of wine and winemaking or anything but from what I recall from my studies in ethnobotany, this was a serious mainstay of the region at the era...
It's almost like biological sex is a complicated and messy spectrum rather than a rigid binary, which means our way of thinking about it is also in part a social construct just like gender is . . .
Sorry, I shouldn't get flippant on this topic. It's just old hat to me as someone who is both a...