Yet in the Biblical account the sky and the firmament are separate things. The heaven was created in Genesis1:1 and the fimament was spoken into existence in Genesis 1:6 on the second day. They can't be the same thing. The sky on the otherhand is refered to as "the open firmament of heaven."...
There seems to be a discrepancy in the meaning of the nature of the world in the translations. Which one do you believe most accurately describes the world at it's formation?
That would seem to be pointing to heaven having many levels or dimensions, as you call it, which seems to coincide with with the Hebrew. One heaven. Many aspects. This also puts heaven squarely in the middle of the tangible.
So what was the fimament that was formed to separate the waters from above from the waters below?
And you may have confused what was formless and void. The earth was described that way not the heaven. Are you saying heaven was also formless and void?
The world that was formed in Genesis1:1 was formless and void according to Genesis1:2. This sounds like a good way to describe the indescribable. This leaves me to wonder, what was the nature of heaven in 1:1. Was it describable?