As a husband I battle real bad with pride. I found out in 2014 that I have fibromyalgia. Of course it was my wife who made me go get help to begin with. Like many guys I dealt with the pride issue. I was way to prideful to admit I needed the help that I needed. Plus I believed the lie that as a...
Cause all Republicans want to do is take away people's rights. I know a lot and I mean a lot of Republicans and they are all the same. They force their ideas on people. They don't want to give gays rights or women rights to decided if they want to have an abortion or not. They want to take away...
You don't hear those two words often with each other. But as a Christian I strongly believe in The Democratic party. I also strongly believe in equal rights. Christ was never about forcing his ideas on people so I strongly feel the same way. I believe free will means just that. Free will. The...
Two weeks ago my wife had a bi polar attack and ended up in the hospital for a week. she got out last Weds. She was okay at first until she got sick again. During the time she was in the hospital I got sick as well with my fibromlygia. I ended up one night almost in the hospital cause my leg was...
It's been a while since I used this board. I don't remember where the prayer area is. Sorry if I post this in the wrong area. Two weeks ago my wife had a bi polar attack and ended up in the hospital for a week. she got out last Weds. She was okay at first until she got sick again. During the...
No they dont. There are a lot if honest loving peo9le out there who dont lie. My mom is one and rasied me not to lie. Just cause you cant explain things does not mean people lie about what happen. You just dont understand things.