I think that's quite a good post, Osgart.
Here is something from The Urantia Book that I think dove-tails with what you just said:
99:5.7 Just as certainly as men share their religious beliefs, they create a religious group of some sort which eventually creates common goals. Someday...
Because I said so. LOL.
On another forum the Catholic there was fond of saying, "There is no salvation outside of the Catholic church." And if you asked, "You think that is true because....." He would say, "Because the Catholic church says so and that ought to be good enough." (That's a direct...
That's probably true too. A few years back a group called "The Jesus Seminar" attempted to discern from the bible what Jesus actually said. But they ended up with a flawed report. And I want to take this opportunity :yum: to put in a plug for The Urantia Book, Part IV of which is "The Life and...
The idea that to be a Christian you have to “believe in the Bible” (meaning, believe that it is in some sense infallible) is a modern invention. Church historians have traced the view, rather precisely, to the Niagara Conference on the Bible, in the 1870s, held over a number of years to foster...
No, God didn't put that in the bible. Contrary to what bibliolators say, God did not write the bible. The bible is the work of men. Essentially the only "words of God" in the bible are from Jesus, and then only to the degree that we can be sure He said them, which is problematical since they...
LOL! Of course they're "beliefs." What else could they be? They are my beliefs/opinions. And while I believe they are true, I don't think I ever said that they were true, or that I said I could prove anything. If they make sense, you can adopt them. If not, just reject them and move on.
Sorry, metis, I didn't realize the last post was not from Saint Frankenstein. I'll try to pay more attention. Nothing really changes, but still, I need to watch who a post is from. Anyway, I wanted to ask St. Frankenstein what "progressive Catholicism" is, as he shows himself to be. I don't...
Yes, of course you can ask, but I already said: "on another discussion group." It's from the collected sayings of a Catholic there over a period of a couple of years. And that's just some of it, the part I culled out for you.
Are you Catholic? I was raised Catholic and went to a Catholic grade...
No one knows much of anything religious "to be true" to where they can "prove" something to someone else. These things are called beliefs for a reason.
Like what sin? Do you have a laundry list of them? Does everyone agree with the list? Or are you talking about a specific one? Which one...
LOL! Do you know anything about Catholicism? Really?
Here are some statements from a Catholic on another discussion group. This is what Catholics believe. Enjoy:
God has appointed the pope to be His Vicar here on earth. When we reject the pope, we reject Jesus, and when we reject Jesus, we...
God is existential. In order for God to become experiential as well, He needs us. God experiences (becomes experiential) through us. Yes, God did know that some of us would use our free will to mistreat our fellow man but we can't have freewill any other way than being free to choose between...