Hi Folks...
Trust me on the UK thing - religion AND monarchy - are really - little more than a joke here - we pay them lip service at best but neither have any real clout or authority here now....Its all for show with the monarchy - like they are "mascots" and little more in truth to the vast...
Hi Folks...
Father Heathen; YES it can be - indeed it can....It can be the most shut up type of mind of any that we posess...
By rational I assume you mean the mind that refuses anything it cannot explain..?..the mind that thinks and believes it ALREADY has a complete truth..?...
Hi Folks..
Shadow Wolf ; Yer I know the DEFINITION of the words and I agree with you - BUT you have misidentified the element we are ACTUALLY seeking - the actual PARAMETER - the very thing we are indeed to either multiply or add together - it is NOT "Sues time on track" - NOR is it "JOHNS...
Hi Folks...
Hmm - complicated....Not the same thing I dont think...Pacifism does not lead to peace in my experience - it leads to domination, nearly always so.. In fact pacifism - is a spiritual no no - you are not supposed to be pacifist at all - you are supposed to be your own AUTHORITY and...
Hi Folks...
Skwim; Ah - its all about MIND my friend - always best to keep it OPEN and RECEPTIVE - close it off so and you handicap the Self severely ;)
Hi Folks..
Neo Deist; Yer Ive seen all the explanantions offered - BUT - they simply do not cut it Im afraid when we look closely....As said FAR TOO MANY CAMERAS - what cant speak cant lie as my dear old Mum would say....So - the official cameraman - yer they may fake it for affects of course...
Hi Folks...
Hmm - check out some of the more recent street magicians - some quite famous of course - Dynamo for example.....Walking on water - no problem at all apparantly...
And NO - thats NOT "camera fakery" - far too many decent cameras around taking multiple shots of the same events rules...
Hi Folks..
Actually - there is a deep and significant insight to be gained here - about a universal truth of all existance ;)
Dont you just love LOGIC..??...lol....Its like - theres something magikal - we can see it clearly but its just out of reach - yet you simply MUST have it to be...
Hi Folks..
Yer the WALKING DEAD - awesome show - dont usually watch much tv, but couldnt wait for this to start again.... One of the rare times actually made me get up out the chair in reaction t o what Im watching - fully interactive tv...lol...Powerful emotional stuff - not for the feint...
Hi Folks...
PURE MATHS - WOULD - DEMAND a PURE LOGIC - and look - the correct mathematical answer then would be TEN....But it would depend of course on the mathematical EQUATION as it was presented....But looking closely here - we are NOT dealing with pure maths OR a maths equation at all - we...
Hi Folks..
Who says it is scientifically impossible...??...You assume a great deal about science and its level of knowledge in that statement - but - they DONT know everything, do they ? ;)
What though - of the One who came DIRECT from LITERALLY the SOURCE of...
Hi Folks...
Whiterain; Ah Ive been intrigued - and amused - by your recent posts and thread topics - now though I see the cause for some of them...Your girlfriend cheated with a black guy yes..?....You feeling a little peeved insecure and inferior yes..??....
Its ok - really it will be - youll...
Hi Folks..
Does being vegeierian make you a better person in WHICH SENSE..??..a "spiritual sense"..??.. and better than WHOM..?...Who gets to JUDGE this standard of "betterness" - vegetarians or meat eaters..?????
Turn it around - ask then Does eating meat eating make you somehow a WORSE...
Hi Folks..
lol - actually that above is the "opinion" - fact is as recorded by those present is that YES He did ACTUALLY "physically resurrect" - except this was not a regular flesh and blood MORTAL body any longer - but the fully Divine Adamus - a Being and body form made...
Hi Folks..
And He said - when you find one who is NOT BORN OF A WOMAN - then (and only then ?) you will bow before them for that one is of your Father.. ;)
I paraphrase for Him here - but check out gospel of Thomas for His original truth......One NOT BORN OF WOMAN - when you encounter the...
Hi Folks...
lol - that above is ENTIRELY back to front then lol
See the JUDAIC aspect came first - THEY worshipped the monotheistic god FIRST before Islam was ever conceived - therefore ACTUALLY all so called "muslims" are ACTUALLY JEWS and this IS undeniable given the logic presented above...
Hi Folks...
The similarities exist because they BOTH come form a much MUCH earlier tradition found in ancient SUMER....Check out this thread for full details :
The OLDEST RELIGION in the ENTIRE world - as in a...
Hi Folks...
Hmm -stay tuned as they say - seems old Mr Assange is about to drop the Big Bombs - check him out on Youtube saying he is about to release THOUSANDS more pages that he says definatley will lead to the ARREST of Clinton !!
If I were American then I would be holding off on any...
Hi Folks..
Interesting article - but personally Im with Mandi here and will say I also smell something like bullcrap..lol...
Thing is - most forget - or fail to understand Christ really - but Christ actually did NOT leave a "dead body" for us to bury or enshrine ANYWHERE - there is no "tomb"...
Hi Folks..
DJ; Think about it - if we presumed everybody guilty first - then I or anyone else could absolutely ruin your life with nothing more than a spoken pack of malicious lies..you know - I ACCUSE you of something and "authority" steps in and carts you off to prison on MY say so...