I might check out 'The Myth of Evil' one day, and I do know that Political Christanity (as well as Political Islam) has been responsible for a lot of evil, but, IMO, that's what happens when you let politicians gain control of a spiritual tradition - they twist it for their own purposes, I try...
Hi Wessexman,
I just wanted to say, I quite enjoy your posts, especially on the mystical ideas of Christianity, and I saw you say, you're a follower of Frithjof Schuon, in the Traditionalist School. I've just started reading some of Schuon's works, and quite like them (I don't identify as...
Thanks for informing me, I find that quite interesting, would you say the Eastern tradition of achieving Enlightenment/Nirvana is the same as what a Christian Mystic seeks?.
I'd definitely love to hear your interpretation, if you wouldn't mind :).
Also, thanks for your perspective on what...
Thanks for posting that video, xkatz, that was really amazing to watch, hopefully, events like that will spread (not just in America, but, elsewhere in the world), it would be great to see harmony between the World Religions. The optimist in me would love to see Jews and Muslims (& Christians)...
I know this might be OT, and I also have Jewish ancestry (and am currently interested in Judaism, trying to find out if it's for me), but, I don't think it's actually fair to lay the blame on all Christians. I'm not sure if you've ever read 'The Lucifer Prnciple' by Harold Bloom, but, in it, he...
Thanks for the reply, if you don't mind, and, I do apologise if this OT, but, how would you view beings like Satan, and/or demons? (BTW, from what I've seen of your posts, I really like them and am learning a lot).
I hope this is the right place to post this (if not, please feel free to move it :)), but, I was wondering something, I've heard of the statement before - 'God became man so that man may become God', but, I'm not sure what it mean, does it mean that the goal of the Christian tradition is to...
That's very true about Gnosis not being opposed to Christianity (or vice-versa), as even Clement of Alexandria, one of the early Church Fathers (I believe, right?) identified as a Gnostic (not in the sense of believing the world was evil, or that it was created by another God, I think he wrote...
Because Gnostics were one of the earliest Christian groups, I believe many scholars have stated Gnosticism has Jewish origins (it draws from other sources as well, though).
For those interested in Gnosticis, try these links:
Jordan Stratford: Gnosticism 101
The Gnosis Archive: Resources on...
From what I've learnt, Gnosticism is about coming to know God, not just believe in him (or her/it/whatever term you prefer), it's about recognising the part of God within you.
I can post a good reading list a bit later, if you like? :).
Hope this helps.
I recently found this site, Rationalistic Judaism, and then followed one of the links to this site, and I was just wondering, are these sites authentic, by that I mean, is the information presented on the site good or should I avoid it?. There was also another link to this site/article, and I'd...
I guess I thought it was a good thing to stop bigots, but, in a sense, I can see your point, personally, I think this was a better alternative, it doesn't infringe on peoples rights, and it helped bring people together (something the world needs more of).
I was wondering, has anyone read, or heard of, Rabbi Michael Lerner?, I've read some of his articles online, and quite like his organisation, Tikkun, but, what are your views on him?, would you recommend his books at all?, I know he's part of the Jewish Renewal movement (since I'm currently a...
I found this today, and found it quite inspiring, it's good to read accounts of good people combating bigotry, and other forms of ignorance (I wouldn't call these extremists evil, as they seem to be more ignorant idiots, IMO).
Think Progress » Texas Skateboarder Stops Christian Extremist From...
I just read this today, and thought the message, and the story, was quite cool:
Marc Gopin: Thanks to the Imam, My Little Son Got Serious About Synagogue
I really like the last part of the article as well:
I like how there was mutual respect between the 2 faiths, and how the Imam reached...
Thanks for the links, especially the second one, it looks very interesting.
Thanks very much for your reply, that actually explains a lot, and helps me understand a lot more. I actually have 'Jewish Magic & Superstition', although I haven't started on it yet, but, I definitely can't wait too...