Of-course the mother's well-being is high priority. If the non-born baby will cause the death of the mother, then it is moral to abort the baby. But when you are speaking of your speaking of yourself as a mere "vessel", you are downgrading the mother's status. It is a privilege for mothers to...
As for the cost aspect, there are government programs that cover the expenses. You stuck on spina bifida and didn't talk about club foot or hydrocephalus. Yes, there are different types of spina bifida but most of them are treatable, above 90%. For the rest of the cases, there are high to fatal...
Ok then, here is some food for thought.
Since this is a religious forum, am going to stick to the religious aspect to this issue. As per the United States, I don't care if you like or not but the nation was first built on Christian principles and values. After we have established this fact you...
The decision to conceive a child should be 50/50. Well in the end you need a sperm and a egg.
In regards to abortion, it is just another word for child-killing
Questions to those Jesus lovers and followers of Jesus.
When have you forsaken yourself?
If Jesus was in your heart, why are you the farthest away from the teachings of Jesus?
Why are you the quickest to say we are not tied to the testaments of Jesus?
Why has antisemitism become exclusive to jews when arabs too also are semitic.
Also another thing is semitics refers to a race when jews are followers of judaism(religion). I feel there are grave misconceptions going on here.
Someone enlighten me on this issue. I have come across many people that classify themselves as athiest Jew. If Judaism is a religion and they worship God, how plausible is it to mix atheism to this concoction.
With the events unfolding in France and the marches and whatnot, I thought to myself why is it a crime there to deny the holocaust but drawing pornographic depictions of a person people depict as a role model ok.
A question for you to ponder upon.
Where in the evolutionary progressive linearity, did humans begin to develop morality as it is a well known fact that humans do not usually go off instinct like how animals do.
Lets think this for a moment from an unbiased view and conscious. One philosopher once said,"Consider the option that your enemy is right".
What we hear from the news is not new to us. The media throughout history shows that when it comes to foreign policy they will lie to the public...
The whole idea of evolution is instilled in all science books nowadays, how can you say that it's not related to biology?
All athiests believe in evolution. All non-believers in evolution are thiests. Do you see the equation I have put up for you?