That would depend upon ones ethical world view and what that world views standards are and whether or not they are internally consistent.
I don`t understand how Revolting is "diseased" because he killed an animal.
Is every person who kills an animal "diseased" in your ethical worldview...
I would think such an experiment would have all kinds of useful applications concerning many areas of scientific thought.
I don`t believe in the "Chariots of the Gods" theory due to lack of evidence and implausibility though I do know at least one atheist who does.
I have a rather large knowledge of scripture as do most atheists I know.
I have never been a Christian or theist for that matter.
In fact at least one study shows that atheists have a better knowledge of scripture than theists in general.
Your stereotype doesn`t work.
True but this is not "indoctrination".
This is a child emulating one he/she respects.
Indoctrination is purposely teaching your child there is only one correct worldview.
In the case of most western religion it is also backing up this teaching with the threat of eternal torture if the kid...
I think you`re misrepresenting an argument to the point of creating one that does not exist.
I am an atheist, I teach my daughter to make up her own mind.
How many theists do this?
Thus theistic brainwashing.
Here is a link to the actual study abstract and methods.
What Changes In Survival Rates Tell Us About US Health Care -- Muennig and Glied, 10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0073 -- Health Affairs
It essentially states we are paying far more to receive far less than other nations.
I could have told them...
The unreal thing is that all this is not only common knowledge but was advertised extensively by Sinks campaign and the people of my state knowingly elected him to run our state.
If he was so good at stealing from the government when he was a private CEO what sense does it make to give him...
Well, I`m in the same position.
I`m in Florida so I`m pretty sure Rubio is nothing more than an extremist right wing GOP maniac who used the Tea Baggers.
I`m not as knowledgable of candidates outside my state so I`ll defer to your greater knowledge of Lee and offer my condolences.
So by this logic if I prefer spiders to cats it`s then ok for me to kill a cat as you would a spider?
Revolting didn`t "wantonly" kill kittens, the kittens in question were bothering him and affecting his income.
Irregardless of how he handled the situation (shelter,turned loose,smack with...
True but I make a distinction that might be wrong, it`s just an observation.
I don`t believe for a minute that Rubio and the others mentioned are actually Tea Baggers compared to the likes of O`Donnell.
It seems obvious to me that the Rubios and Pauls simply used the momentum of the Tea...
Hopefully if the Democrats can muster up a single testicle between them the only thing that will happen is gridlock for the next two years.
If you mean "weird" as in "not common" then yes..thankfully.
So tell me why do you value a strange cat over a spider?
Is there any objective reason to do so?