Yes eclectic. But I chose the term Deism as I don't have a particular set of dogma and because I believe that worshipping God isn't mandatory. I was an atheist once and it was kind of comfortable believing that a Being wasn't behind this universe (which I find meaningless), but it's all random.
That is true but Japanese is the official language and no other language is accepted in professional fields. In Bangladesh all written business communications are done in English, although both English and Bangla is used for speaking.
That was a hint for my birthday gift :p.
Life occasionally snatches the ground from under your feet or return it when you least expect it. Or not expect at all.
There are many religious laws that the Scriptures don't explain. That's why the scholars are there for that. You may say that God just ordained it that's why. But maybe there are benefits behind it which the Bible didn't mention? So I said that if anybody has opinions from scholars and the likes...
And the Japanese people are more stubborn about their language. You have to learn Japanese in order to settle or study there. Even many refuse to write their websites in other languages.
OK how does disparate equal to disrespectful? If details can't be given then I am sure short answers can be possible. If my concepts are wrong then clarification is necessary right?
Am I so infamous in this forum for rudeness:sad4:? I am not here to debate Dantas but only question. I may ASK why the answer doesn't seem right with reasons, right? But not oppose them because it's a DIR.