it would be dishonest if you actually thought it makes a different to your date, that is, if he would have a reason to not date you (racism, sexism, transphobia, it does not matter, because s/he doesn't want to be forced to do it without an actual choice).
if your nephew did not announce that he was a trans male to his girlfriend at the time, was he being dishonest because the lack of knowledge can result in damage to the person's esteem?
ok, let's say they are not the same. i'm talking now only about "real" trans females.
if someone is a "real" m-to-f trans female, are they the same as a biological female?
when they date, do they say, i am the best trans woman for you, or do they say, i am the best woman for you?
if someone is fully transitioned m-to-f trans female, are they the same or to be viewed the same as a biological female?
when they date, do they say, i am the best trans woman for you, or do they say, i am the best woman for you?
if you think i lack honesty/integrity, why not contact william lucas walker and ask him for a testimonial about me. he has a blog on the
the twaddle is the only twaddle that we drink when we are sober. if you want to be interesting to the goat head you must be willing to say that the twaddle is not so bad on thursdays and fridays.
if not new religion, then we need a cerebro for errant religion. that way, no one who does evil gets away at the risk of the religion itself. cerebro would track them all down.