my dearest friend william lucas walker who sees the world with pink eyes would agree.
sorry, but if no doc wll do it, then they will do themselves. here is the most famous trans do-it-yourselfer: tammy felbaum! she transitioned all of her husbands (who may have been gay but not transsexual)...
"treatments" that destroy the mind or even the brain can work to stop someone from being gay without having to castrate him. that's because the religious workers REALLY don't want anyone to be gay. you remember the posting about jessica dutra? she killed her 4 year old son because she THOUGHT he...
no it's not a ministry. i am not a minister. i am a messenger of intercession world for people who need a messenger of my kind. they have a message (like "I'll be late for the meeting") and ask me to deliver it. i am paid to be a go-between between people who don't want to talk to each other...
yes you can turn gay by giving trans-gay therapy to a straight man:
>>>>There is a terrible therapy that is given to gays against their will and its important to talk about it, because it is rumored to be religious workers who advocate it and perpetrate forced chemical conversion. It's called...
baphomet IS the transgender god of bisexual world. aleister crowley said that baphomet was representative of the Babe in the Egg, or the original being, which was bisexual. (Baphomet From Thelemapedia
credible source? baphomet is the transgender god of bisexual utopia. what credible source would you like? he is the official symbol of the church of satan. is that not enough? perhaps you might ask the actress angelina jolie. they say her maleficent resembles startlingly baphomet the great...
a professional is someone in a profession, and that includes being a messenger. i am not a religious messenger at all. religion is part of the job but is not the job. besides, would joel osteen need accreditation if he were challenged?
i have not seen this because my video is not working but it looks very interesting: baphomet the transgender god. there are other references to baphomet the transgender god on the net.
an intercession messenger does not pray. he is a messenger of intercession world, but he does not pray. messengers do not require accreditation. they only convey messages.