His written word..........He created all things, (yes, you and me too), and He had the wisdom to have ALL THINGS replenish and reproduce from seed of itself. Wow! The thought of man evolving from ________ (whatever you want to put in there), is a perfect example of "fake News". Read the first...
Jesus , Krishna- which of the two is the supreme-god?
There is only ONE name under heaven by which we can be saved, that is the name of Jesus!
What is hell according to your tradition?
First I would rephrase that and say according to the Bible. Jesus called it the lake of fire. Let your mind imagine what that might be. (sounds hot) But what ever it might actually be, it means total and eternal separation from God. God and all of...
In my opinion, each person deserves to believe in a specific God 'of his religion' to have a higher power to cling to in misfortunes, and there's no God of any religion. What do you think? Is it the God of our religion we must believe in? Or a creator that didn't ask for any praise and has no...
Wiping out Christianity!
The reason why there is so much Christianity-bashing is because
people do not want to be held accountable for their wrong-doings. Whenever something comes up that is contrary to the Bible, people are upset when it is pointed out. They would rather do wrong and not be...
Is there any possibility of God's existence.
Col. 1:17, He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together. If He does not exist,
we would not be able to take our next breadth! He makes every beat of your heart occur! He sustains all things.
How do you extirpate the things that are bad for you.
I don't have anything earth-shattering, all I could suggest is to turn it over to God. If a person is truly trying and sincere in their prayer time, God is the best cure/medicine for anything that you might want to quit. Although it also...
Homosexuality and Homosexual Marriages: Why do Christians Care?
Mainly because it states in the Bible that God is against it. It says that God gave them up to their own sinful pleasures. God made marriage for a man and a woman. How will the world population advance if same genders are united...
Is God real?
"He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness." ... God is as real. He will give wisdom to anyone who humbly trusts in His Son and believes. He will give you all the faith you need to fully believe if you just ask.
Your God is Not God
I will chose to believe the God of the Bible, is the one true God who created everything and sustains everything! Everyone has a God that they worship, I chose to worship the God who can save my soul to life eternal. Can your god do that?
If your interest is in Lutheran Denominations you can google the
teachings of Martin Luther and find all of his information along with
all the denominations that came out of the Protestant Reformation.
What is Evil? And How Does it Differ From What is Merely Bad?
There is no difference, ALL evil is sin and being just merely bad, is sin. When we are standing in front of that judgement throne after this life is over and our comment to God is that I wasn't evil, I was just merely a bad...
It sounds like you are describing a sinless person. You won't find one in this life. We are all sinners and desperately need a savior. Even after we have been forgiven and redeemed, we can and will fall from time to time, that is how us humans exist in this fallen world. The closer we keep...
Either evidence of God is all around us OR we all did evolve from a pool of sludge! I will go with a creator God. He knit us together in our mothers womb, all unique. Next time you go to your eye Dr. for an exam, take a close look at the cross section diagram of the human eye. All what you...
Obama called the Pope the "Moral Authority"
He might have been my president, but I am glad I live in a country where I can still choose those more important choices of life.
We are all free to our own beliefs, I am thankful that I was raised and taught to believe in the One True God of the Christian Bible. Our creator and our redeemer.
The 144,000
I will put my Faith in the words in 1John, 1:9, if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
If I am free from my sins by the blood of Jesus, than I will be righteous enough to be there also. :)
Religion and Allowing Sin
What are your religious or non-religious beliefs in allowing things that you might find personally immoral?
My beliefs are that if you personally allow something that is immoral, that is a sin and should be repented of. (you should actually not do it if possible)