Sorry Dantas bullying is not necessary for growth. I am lucky enough to study in school and university free from it. These institutes aren't upto strict maintenance of discipline. Bullying is not a huge problem in Bangladesh but there are cases of inappropriate ragging of freshman students in...
Dear Napoli (my smartphone)- I noticed that you have been giving me bad battery service for the last few months. You finish charging fast but drain that easy. Please take your time to charge but don't make me shift to Nokia feature phones!
I repeat that it's your and Alceste's wedding. And I don't know whether she has married before. And yes she loves you and you her, so it doesn't matter!
People always talk about respecting others' opinions. If I have the will to die so why not? Some want it because they know they can't fight or go on. They realise that nothing on this earth gives them joy. But they are always told to snap out of it, live for a brighter future when there is no...
I get your point. My community believes that too and yes we have a low divorce rate, of course not like KSA. But is it because of celibacy before marriage or the pressure of the conservative society to conform? In other cases it can be because you want to continue the marriage no matter what...
Sorry Pegg but your post reminded me of an episode from the TV series 'House' and I had to laugh. A woman was admitted in Dr. House's hospital with an unknown health problem. Her heart suddenly stopped and there was nothing that could be done. But after a few hours her started beating again...
I think by saying "closer to God" the OP meant someone who has lot of knowledge about his/her religion and has a strong relationship with God? Many religions claim that God is with us, but I thin OP didn't mean that.
Ejalfa you posted the OP to express your belief right? You said that you believe in a particular thing because the Bible said so. With all due respect, all of us here don't believe that the Bible is the ultimate truth. So you have got to answer them why believe in the Biblical statement you had...
Just my two cents. I believe that God never really literally write any holy book. Maybe there are people who did get the chance to talk with God. But whatever they have written down may have been corrupted or lost over time. Maybe this is because God never really wanted to leave a souvenir to...
This is purely my opinion. Pegg is great with Christianity and Cordoba is awesome with aspects of Islam that are not talked much like spirituality. But I can't vouch for their nearness to God because it is something that God and maybe the close one knows :).
Yes human power of destruction is great indeed but nothing compared to God's. And I ask God the same question doesn't He make choices? Call it Satan, Forbidden Fruit of knowledge of good and evil or call it human tendency, it is ultimately God who created it. I think I have a very pessimistic...