Like, um, a human appendix?
So now, we have thoughtful clouds?
Hailstones may also be "designed too?
Designer Tornadoes?
Fashion Hurricanes?
Earthquakes with pretty designs too?
An orbiting Moon will millions of years old craters to swoon upon before stealing that impending...
Except that is not what spiders do.
As in nearly all of nature, almost everything is food for something else. That's how it all works.
I do not fear intelligent spiders writing cook books about how to best harvest and serve humans. There are some very real probabilities that deserve far...
This is a somewhat silly inquiry.
Unless you are of the conclusion that only one "answer" is "true".
If we all were to agree upon solely "ONE" answer, then at last we would KNOW that any further discovery, experimentation, or efforts seeking illumination, would be an utter waste of time...
The "god(s)" of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and most other monotheistic/polytheistic faith-based beliefs could pray for a simple "message" (miracle?) in the sky inexplicably and undeniably presented/spelled out within the stars (ummm...specifically aligned planets, galaxies, et al) making any...
Yes, He (Einstein) did. He didn't wish to accept the very conclusions his own theories predicted. And eventually, and predictably, he was proven wrong in his denials. Sad, but true.
What are we to conclude from this inevitable eventuality?
"God" plays "dice" (with the cosmos), or not?
Not to be the spoilsport, but my reply is here,..
I'm guessing that your inquiry was unlikely directed towards me, but some yet apply.
I lived in Japan for four years, but was young and impressionable in that time.
I was exposed to cultural beliefs, but followed no interests in that regard. Not that I didn't care mind you, I just had no...