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Search results

  1. Psalm23

    Head to Toe (the Armor of God song)

  2. Psalm23

    Favorite Quotes

    This thread was inspired by @Rival thread on Christian's favorite Quotes. What are your favorite quotes? I'm looking for quotes from any sources you like.
  3. Psalm23

    Queen- Don't Stop Me Now

  4. Psalm23

    RF Financial Advice

    What is your financial advice that you have learned?
  5. Psalm23

    Beautiful Bride - Flyleaf

  6. Psalm23

    Dog on Weather Forecast

  7. Psalm23

    Jesus is Risen Happy Easter!

  8. Psalm23

    How to Go to Sleep when excited?

    What is your advice on how to go to sleep when excited? One time I woke up around 3 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep from the excitement I had.
  9. Psalm23

    Thankfulness for My Recent Bout with Depression

    I've never in my lifetime thought I would be thankful for depression, thankful God didn't answer my prayer right away to take it away from me. January 2nd of this year, I went into the Psych Ward. While I didn't self harm, I had suicidal thoughts for likely over a month and desired to die...
  10. Psalm23

    The Time I Accidentally Signed up for A Porno site

    Hello, so there was a time I accidentally signed up for a porno site. Let me explain. A lot of people look at me and think of me as innocent young girl when I actually am far from innocent. Anyways I was at the library near me and checking on Facebook. There was this person online I was talking...
  11. Psalm23


  12. Psalm23

    Doe of the Morning ( Psalm 22)

  13. Psalm23

    How to not worry about People's Opinion of you

    Hello I was wanting some advice on how to not worry about how other people see you and what they think about you. I think this is part of my social anxiety.
  14. Psalm23

    Article on Negative Impact of Bitterness

    Here is a article online on the negative impact bitterness can have on the body...
  15. Psalm23

    Posting Pictures on RF

    Hello I've thought to share some of my art on here but I don't know how to post pictures. How do I post pictures on RF?
  16. Psalm23

    Religious Experiences

    What are some religious experiences you have had?
  17. Psalm23

    Not gonna Die - Skillet

  18. Psalm23

    Not gonna Die - Skillet

  19. Psalm23

    Worship on RF

    Do you worship anything? If yes, who or what do you worship?
  20. Psalm23

    Have you ever had a supernatural experience ?

    Have you ever had a supernatural experience?