If the baby wont survive, but then you would have a miscarriage. If the mothers life was at risk and neither would survive then i guess for medical reasons
I feel very strongly about this subject. I have expressed my feelings about it, so wether or not you feel the same doesnt matter to me, i just wanted to put my views across and i have. I just feel, unless you have to have an abortion due to yours or the babys life is at risk, then i think it is...
Abortion is a not a natural event! Miscarriage is when the body gets rid of the baby due to the baby not being able to survive or something wrong with baby. An abortion is a choice you make, theres nothing natural about it! Having a miscarriage is not a choice you make, but an abortion is when...
i dont agree with abortion at all! a baby has a heart the minute its concieved. calling it a fuetus is a horrible word, but seems to be used to make people think its not a baby yet. i'm not sure on wether or not mums should be shown their babies on an ultrasound before aborting it as it may...
hello, i'm a nursery assistant/playworker, and work on the babyfloor with children aged 4 months to 2 and half years old. I have nearly finished my NVQ2 Early Years Childcare Qualification. I love my job, especially being with the children, its fantastic watching them develop :dan:
Thankyou for your replies. I believe that there is a heaven and hell. When I was little I went to a catholic school and was made to believe that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. But that is totally untrue. I believe that the bible is the truth, but I do find it very hard to...
I do find some of it a bit too much, such as Daffyd the only gay in the village, but alot of it does make me laugh. I think they are fantastic at what they do and hope they continue their success around the world : hamster :
Hello i was just wondering if theres anyone on here who likes Little Britain. I am a massive fan and was lucky enough to see them live in December 2006. Be great to here from any fans of the show. Take care, Lucy x x :dan:
Hello my name is Lucy. I am a Nursery assistant. My sister Beth (porkchop) and brother-in-law Paul (*Paul*) are on here and I thought I would join in to see what its all about. :cheer: