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  1. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    You can say anything you want, its whats not said, the little things you hint at that speak volumes about you. You have had it out for me since I came here, you continually in any thread I talk in, put your little digs in. Your a grown man, supposedly, act like it.
  2. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    And that wasnt me, I was quoting from an off site forum. -_- context clues are amazing. Use them.
  3. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    Again I am not saying its a mainstream view, but the fact that even a small number adhere to that belief, is scary. That was the whole point, but others cant seem to get that. They continue to sling mud, and im not saying its you. They know who they are.
  4. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    I tire of you Jay. You are a broken record so from this moment forward your disregarded. Despical? Oh you mean Despicable. Spelling is a must if you are going to try and attack me. Secondly, its pretentious to speak out on extreme views? Thirdly, your a naturalist and thus have no place in...
  5. Nimrauko


    Personally I am fond of Islam. In my eyes, Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity is. Islam and Judaism are classified as Strict monotheism, while Christianity is classified as Trinitarian Monotheism. Islam and Judaism trace their roots back to Avraham through Yitzchak (Judaism) and...
  6. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    I think my disdain for Jay was aimed at you unintentionally, and I apologize. Now onto Your response. I dont bunch the extremist lunatics with orthodoxy, firstly because I am orthodox and I dont adhere to their belief. I was attempting to bring to the light that there are some in judaism that...
  7. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    So there are no jewish extremists? Come on. Get real. And I think I finally found out why you all hate me. Because im not a zionist. Dont have to be a zionist to be jewish people. How bigoted can one be -_- shame shame shame
  8. Nimrauko

    Why Care Whether God Exists Or Not?

    Thank you very much for showing how much of a hypocrite you really are :) Firstly, Reconstructionist Judaism is pure B.S as is "Messianic Judaism". Secondly there is Judaism and Judaism alone. So mixing Naturalism and Judaism in my eyes is blasphemy. So before you go judging me, you dont know a...
  9. Nimrauko

    Why Care Whether God Exists Or Not?

    And your point is? You are a naturalist. So why should I care about your commentary on my faith. I dont. Do you uphold all the commandments? I dont think so. Its not a requirement to be Jewish to get into heaven. And I dont think non-jews all blaspheme g-d. Nor do I think they are denying G-d.
  10. Nimrauko

    Why Care Whether God Exists Or Not?

    Jay enjoys being rude, and disregarding reason. Now I would like to address the O.T. "Why care whether G-d exists or not" Well I have several views on why we should care, and why we shouldnt. I belief in the reform movement of Judaisms view in Tikkun Olam "repairing the world". I dont...
  11. Nimrauko

    Why Care Whether God Exists Or Not?

    Just because you string a bunch of words together trying to sound wise, does not make you such. Blind faith is idiotic and G-d doesnt render Reason more than a delusion, G-d furthers reason. It is reasoning that gives us a glimpse of G-d's works and how he does the wondrous things he does.
  12. Nimrauko

    Who is the beast?

    Well just looking at what the poster put as his religion (Jew) says to me hes not really Jewish. I agree though what does this have to do with Judaism?
  13. Nimrauko

    Heya :D

    Yeah I am like cher and roaches, cant get rid of me :P
  14. Nimrauko

    Phelps Verdict

    I am glad to see that finally something is done against these fools. In my Opinion, they are equal to a terrorist group and equal in rank with the K.K.K. I hope they go bankrupt so they can hurt no more people with their hate speech and utter rubbish
  15. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    I appreciate your civility :) Here is my whole take on the situation. If Israel wants to see peace in its borders, in terms of Palestinian/Israeli relations, then several things must be done. There must be a Palestinian voice in the Israeli government, which I dont think is the case now. If the...
  16. Nimrauko


    I am anti-zionist. I am Orthodox with a slight Reform theme, but I still believe we are in exile and will not gain possession of the Holy Land until the Moshiach returns. G-d put us in Exile, and G-d will bring us out. Not the U.N, not a single man on this earth. I can already tell all my Jewish...
  17. Nimrauko

    Hello from Holland

    Welcome to the forums! I am new too so perhaps we can be noob friends :P
  18. Nimrauko

    The Jewish Concept of the Moshiach and why we feel Jesus was not Pt.1

    The Messiah In Judaism By: Nimrauko (With Supporting Evidence from both the JPS translation of the Tanakh and the Plaut Torah Commentary) Before diving into this very lengthy essay, I shall state the passages in Torah that refer to the Messiah, where if you so chose, you may get your Torah out...
  19. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    You can not oppress all based on a Radical Minority. I do admit that the comparison between what happened during the Shoah and whats being done to the Palestinians was a bit of a far stretch, but I use it to make a point. We can't treat all the Palestinians poorly because there are extremists...
  20. Nimrauko

    Judaism: Gentiles and the Noahide Laws

    Gentiles and the Noahide Laws By: Nimrauko With References from The Torah A Modern Commentary by Plaut (Put out by the URJ) “Even before the revelation at Sinai, certain laws were according to the rabbis, binding on all people. This view holds that while Jews are subject to the extensive...