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Search results

  1. happ

    How Can I tell My Father I'm Gay?

    Don't hide from yourself as the saying goes "be true to yourself." Denying who you are for financial gain is unhealthy for you and your father. He may think that you used him for college costs rather than being a son/daughter who stands up for self-dignity. Respect your father enough to be...
  2. happ

    What's Wrong With Not Liking Homosexuality??

    What if that little child in your arms is gay? Are you going to view her as unnatural and ban her from your love? I think you need to give a lot more thought to your hatred before you poison your little girl with un-Catholic bigotry.
  3. happ

    Legalize Marijuana?

    But it's legal in Canada/California/etc
  4. happ

    Do You Believe in the Saints?

    Luther had an affection for Mary that is surprising for a Reformer: "Mary is the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of us even though it was Christ alone who reposed on her knee" One of Luther's last hymns of MaryShe wears of purest gold a crownTwelve stars their rays are twining;Her...
  5. happ

    Christian: Apostolic Succession

    :biglaugh: what's really funny is that for most Lutherans in the U.S. the apostolic succession is basically a non-priority but it is very important to Episcopalians. I remember that a few seminarians tried to dodge the inclusion of the Episcopal diocese bishop laying on hands during ordination...
  6. happ

    Legalize Marijuana?

    One has to remember that marijuana has medicinal benefits and why it is allowed in many West Coast states. My sister found it a life saver for settling her stomach and boosting her appetite during chemo therapy. Marijuana has strong calming qualities [people don't get into fight smoking...
  7. happ

    Do You Believe in the Saints?

    Yes and the Lutheran Confessions [Augustana] refer to Mary as :"the Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, the most Blessed Virgin Mary prays for the Church, is worthy of the highest honors, born of the pure, holy, and ever virgin." Some Lutherans may not even know what their Church's position on...
  8. happ

    Legalize Marijuana?

    Marijuana is essentially legal in quite a few states, particularly in the Western US. There are numerous dispensaries in California where the so-called sick buy their marijuana. All one has to claim is that they feel better on marijuana [ie lifts my depression] to qualify. The issue now is...
  9. happ


    As a child I remember Lent lasting forever since the Lutheran church added several more Sundays as Pre-Lent. The crucifix was covered in a purple veil as well as pictures/statues of Christ & saints. No flowers were placed in the church & parts of the liturgy were changed [the chant Alleluia...
  10. happ

    Do You Believe in the Saints?

    I wouldn't think there'd be much contrast among Christians about a belief in saints though some are uncomfortable even with the concept of sainthood. Some Christians refer to the apostles and Mary as saints as well as church fathers, martyrs, holy people [Anglicans & Lutherans have many saints’...
  11. happ

    My first Eucharist...

    As a former Lutheran who is now Roman Catholic, the "Real Presence" of Christ bodily in the Eucharist is a long-held belief. The consecration of the sacrament [either transubstantiation=Catholic or consubstantiation=Lutheran] signifies that the Jesus of the Upper Room & Golgotha is now among us...
  12. happ

    Christians: Female Involvement in Ministry

    Many Catholics disagree with the Church teaching that only men can be ordained into the priesthood. Nuns play a strong role [even running a parish when no pastor is available] yet cannot preach or celebrate Mass. There were women deacons/deaconess in the early Church [some are saints in the...
  13. happ

    Christian: Apostolic Succession

    Apostolic succession is a big deal for a surprising number of Christians besides Roman Catholics & Orthodox. Anglicans are very keen about maintaining this family tree back to the early Church. Lutherans in Sweden/Norway/Denmark/Iceland/Finland/Latvia/etc also claim apostolic succession of...