i remember reading in the bible a chapter about jesus talking with some of the older prophets. this chapter describes jesus going up on a mount talking with spirits of moses and eliah/elijah/elias (not sure which name) these spirits are in a cloud on the mount.
does anybody here know which...
i would like to have more freedom, that is all i wont, that is what i am working for now.
perversely i could have more freedom right now if i wasnt working so hard to have freedom in the future.
I have expereinced the same thing many times. both when looking at someone and when i turn to cathc somebody looking at me. skeptics would say that is coincidence, that there will be many more times when you turn around and you dont see anything, these incidences are not remembered becuase it...
your not alone, i also recognise fear has a value, as does anger, and sadness and all other "negative" emotion. i think it is foolish in our culture to try to eradicat these emotions. all emotion is an to invoke behvaiour or indicator and a reference point for and action.
i am sure the old books of the old testament where written at different times thoughtout the centuries. the books where recieved by each of the prophets. the first five books where recieved by moses, then later prhophets added their recived books. many of the books are named by the prophet that...
i am new to this forum but i have used a lot of forums and i am currently establishing my own psychology forum.
i have been interested in religion and spirituality for about 8 years. for me finding religion and spirituality and my interst in psychology have saved my life. i was diagnosed...