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Search results

  1. D

    Why I don't believe in "God"

    Yeesh! i haven't read Leviticus yet so thanks for the heads up. I most definitely don't agree with those verses. As for the doctor exam, your mixing analogies now. The doctor was supposed to exemplify a priest, prophet, pope or whatever ecclesiastical leader you may worship with. The MRI...
  2. D

    Why I don't believe in "God"

    They're both pools of information that you can draw conclusions from. Unless you mean the infallible proof that a photograph represents, too bad for photo shop though. But your right, a photograph does present a type of undeniable evidence. Unless you look at a MRI photo because i have no...
  3. D

    Why I don't believe in "God"

    I'm not asking if there is a human brain in general but rather if you have ever touched, seen, smelled, or tasted YOUR brain. You can believe the accounts of whomever but self-discovery tends to be the most lasting. Belief in god is somewhat the same, though i know this isn't a perfect analogy I...
  4. D

    Why I don't believe in "God"

    By the way, have you heard of the comedian Daniel Tosh:D:D:D
  5. D

    Why I don't believe in "God"

    This is easy to relate. First we can say (most of us) that we cannot see, feel, smell, taste or hear God. He isn't applicable to any sense, which is the only way we have to observe our life. The only description we have of his voice or the appearance of his form is from some scripture by some...
  6. D

    Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are Commanded to Have "One Wife"

    Wait, are you saying that the Lord won't require something that they don't want to do. Or are you saying that God will not force them into a commandment. Also i have a question about the girls married to Joseph Smith, did they come to him with the proposition of being sealed or did he ask...
  7. D

    Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

    First of all, Australia is awesome Secondly I have a question for S-word S-word, I am a little confused on your standing with the Book of Mormon or whatever you choose to call it. Do you believe that it was actually written by ancient prophets in the Americas. Or do you believe that it was...
  8. D

    Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

    Forgive me if i did not read all of the posts between Katzpur and Roli but i don't have the amount of time it would take to read all of that argument. So could one of you simply state the points of conflict you are discussing between the Book of Mormon and the Bible
  9. D

    Whats the facination with Born Of a Virgin?

    I'm saying that it's like thinking that you can walk across a bridge that only exists in your imagination or something you are only pretending about. I'm talking more specifically about cult leaders and such rather than people who discover God for themselves.
  10. D

    Whats the facination with Born Of a Virgin?

    oh! and my opinion on the virginity issue... i would say that because of the fall of man (adam and eve) any human being is not able to live life perfectly due to the fact that they are created in sin. Adam and Eve committed the first (sexual) sin, therefore any child born afterwards would be...
  11. D

    Whats the facination with Born Of a Virgin?

    if you were to say that christ did not exist to what truth are you justified. You can't say Christ does not exist because whether or not he lived people believe in their salvation through him. Then if you are saying that he is created by some person's mind then to what end did they conjure...