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Search results

  1. S

    Same Sex Marriage

    Youre right , Jesus doesnt agree with divorce, but what you can plainly extralolate from His statement is that God designed men to be married to women. Jesus would have considered homosexual behavior an abomination. Any time in the bible where its talking about homosexual behavior its made very...
  2. S

    Same Sex Marriage

    Its not equal if the cost of them being able to be married would make it okay to take away religious freedoms from others . Christians are constantly insulted and discriminated against in the workplace and in schools all throughout this country and you dont hear a word about it in the media...
  3. S

    Same Sex Marriage

    One of the problems if we were to legalize gay marriage is that it would actually threaten to take away religious freedoms becasue pastors could get into trouble for discrimination if they refused to marry a gay couple for religious convictions and it may become labeled as "hate speech" for a...
  4. S

    Same Sex Marriage

    Jesus didnt believe in same sex marriage. In Matthew 19:4-6 Jesus tells the Pharisees "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall...
  5. S

    For those who believe that only Christians go to heaven...

    John 14:6 Jesus said , "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." Also in Acts 4:12 it talks about Jesus when it says there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.
  6. S

    Religion spreads hate & intolerance

    God solved our sin problem by sending us Jesus to pay for our sins for us, so if you except Him you dont have to worry about it. We an never be perfect, but God looks at our heart. He sees if we truely love Him above anything or anyone else and are trying to obey HIm and confessing and...
  7. S

    Religion spreads hate & intolerance

    No other religion offers complete atonement for our sins except Christianity
  8. S

    Religion spreads hate & intolerance

    Also the only we can be blameless before God is accepting the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to take away all our sins. No matter how hard we try to live a holy life, we are sinners by nature and can never become perfect on this earth
  9. S

    Religion spreads hate & intolerance

    I was taking that phrase from James 1:27 where it says Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
  10. S

    Religion spreads hate & intolerance

    Well, with christians the way we would be able to practice pure and undefiled religion is by being in prayer and relying on the Holy Spirit to give us strength and not our own flesh. Also, we are not suppose to follow man made traditions like the Pharisees did, but study the Word of God intently...
  11. S

    Religion spreads hate & intolerance

    Just to set the record straight, Jesus didnt care for "religious" people either. Religious people usually just try to follow a set of rules without having their hearts in the right place. If everyone was to genuinely follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, this world would be a better place...
  12. S

    "Liberal Christian" is an oxymoron!

    I dont understand why this is even under debate. How could somebody call themselves a genuine christian and yet align themselves with a party that supports abortion and homosexuality? I will also state that I know that there are many corrupt things about the Republican party as well, but usually...