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Religion spreads hate & intolerance


Premium Member
I must be a throw back in the name of faith. I don't hate people, I hate war, I am very tolerant. All those other people I have known in faith who were the same must be throwbacks, too.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Seek and ye shall find- that's what I believe. I don't think God will hide from someone looking just because they have poor reading comprehension skills.


New Member
Just to set the record straight, Jesus didnt care for "religious" people either. Religious people usually just try to follow a set of rules without having their hearts in the right place. If everyone was to genuinely follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, this world would be a better place. Imagine everyone thinking of others as better than themselves, being patient, forgiving, generous, and unconditionally loving. Naturally we humans are selfish, vindictive, hateful, unforgiving, etc. Also, heres some stats on countries that were under a godless regime and how many people were killed under them: 65 million in China; 20 million in the Soviet Union; 2 million in North Korea; 2 million in Cambodia; 1.7 million in Africa; 1.5 million in Afghanistan; 1 million in Vietnam; 1 million in the communist states of Eastern Europe; and 150,000 in Latin America. I think that shows that getting rid of religion altogether is not the answer to our problems. The problem is not enough people are practicing pure and undefiled christianity.
Seek and ye shall find- that's what I believe. I don't think God will hide from someone looking just because they have poor reading comprehension skills.

What if they can't read... or they're mentally challenged without the ability of self-awareness, much less God awareness... or what about all those beautiful little children in other countries that don't know about your christian God... what about them? Why would God hide? One simple, logical reason... not the, "so you have faith" answer. Would you do that to your kids? Never see them from birth and instead leave them with an incoherent book to learn about you from and if they are good, get to be reunited with you later in life... or if they're bad you obliterate them? Great parent!

free spirit

Well-Known Member

What something?

I have read your original post, and you are correct, the Jews killed the heathen just because they were heathen, the christians had the crusaders and the inquisition to wipe out the heathen, the moslems want to kill the infidels for they are considered heathens.
Yes but God had and has nothing to do with that, for his will has allways been, "Love your neighbour as yourself" God wants us to deny the evil in our heart, because that is the real enemy.
The enemy therefore is within, not out there. Immagin if men would love men the way God intended, there will be no longer hunger, there will be no homeless, there will be no harm to humanity coming from humanity.
So we come to why God let earthquakes floods and fire inflict pain and suffering? I do not know esactly, some say it is because of our sins, some say it is because there is no God.
we will never know because we will never remove sin from men's heart. There is nothing that could be misunderstood in "love your neighbore as yourself" for even if there is no God avery one wins. Another thing, you missed this one, religion killed Jesus, the son of God, the Romans who were considered heathen wanted to let him go free, religion that day had its greatest victim.:angel2:
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Just to set the record straight, Jesus didnt care for "religious" people either. Religious people usually just try to follow a set of rules without having their hearts in the right place. If everyone was to genuinely follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, this world would be a better place. Imagine everyone thinking of others as better than themselves, being patient, forgiving, generous, and unconditionally loving. Naturally we humans are selfish, vindictive, hateful, unforgiving, etc. Also, heres some stats on countries that were under a godless regime and how many people were killed under them: 65 million in China; 20 million in the Soviet Union; 2 million in North Korea; 2 million in Cambodia; 1.7 million in Africa; 1.5 million in Afghanistan; 1 million in Vietnam; 1 million in the communist states of Eastern Europe; and 150,000 in Latin America. I think that shows that getting rid of religion altogether is not the answer to our problems. The problem is not enough people are practicing pure and undefiled christianity.

I agree completely except I would add christianity, buddism or any other religion that can operate on the level you state... pure and undefiled... that would require that we become divine in some sense add or subtract whatever depending on your religion... your mileage may vary... come on please... anyone have a debate with some MEAT?


Well-Known Member
What if they can't read... or they're mentally challenged without the ability of self-awareness, much less God awareness... or what about all those beautiful little children in other countries that don't know about your christian God... what about them? Why would God hide? One simple, logical reason... not the, "so you have faith" answer. Would you do that to your kids? Never see them from birth and instead leave them with an incoherent book to learn about you from and if they are good, get to be reunited with you later in life... or if they're bad you obliterate them? Great parent!
The truth is you don't really know how aware any one person is. Before Jesus was born the prophets were told by the Spirit that the Messiah was coming and their faith saved them. I don't know but maybe that is how God deals with unreached people today. But I do know that wisdom and riches and strength can actually be weaknesses when it comes to entering the kingdom. And you may say "well then God condones ignorance" but like you said what about the mentally handicapped. Whoever has alot will have alot expected from them and vise versa. That's what I believe anyway.

I have read your original post, and you are correct, the Jews killed the heathen just because they were heathen, the christians had the crusaders and the inquisition to wipe out the heathen, the moslems want to kill the infidels for they are considered heathens.
Yes but God had and has nothing to do with that, for his will has allways been, "Love your neighbour as yourself" God wants us to deny the evil in our heart, because that is the real enemy.
The enemy therefore is within, not out there. Immagin if men would love men the way God intended, there will be no longer hunger, there will be no homeless, there will be no harm to humanity coming from humanity.
So we come to why God let earthquakes floods and fire inflict pain and suffering? I do not know esactly, some say it is because of our sins, some say it is because there is no God.
we will never know because we will never remove sin from men's heart. There is nothing that could be misunderstood in "love your neighbore as yourself" for even if there is no God avery one wins. Another thing, you missed this one, religion killed Jesus, the son of God, the Romans who were considered heathen wanted to let him go free, religion that day had its greatest victim.:angel2:

All a go... if the original or current bible reflects real people and real history. The bible has more than a few competitors... all proclaiming the same "I'm the One" mantra. Have you decided based on free will or because christianity was your only choice growing up?

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
So true, religion infuriates me, because it causes so much war, adn people say not to pay attention to that, and pay attention to the love, how loving is killing billions of people, including babies?
Here is some news: the entire endeavor of human civilization produces war inevitably- ideas, theologies, politics- striving at some sense beyond mere resignation to nature and instinct- all of these bring human beings together in a variety of both uplifting, uniting and also dividing and violent ways.

Religion has a checkered past, like all great institutions of human striving.

Take some advice from an atheist, albeit a faithful atheist- that the very definition of barbarism is "making a clean slate of the past" and his citation from Simone Weil:

"Where will our rebirth come from?"
"Only from the past, provided we love it"
Andre Comte-Sponville (Parisian philosopher and atheist)

It is ludicrous to think our current treasured values were established without the assistance of religious concepts- or that, for many, they do not continue to act in this capacity.


New Member
Well, with christians the way we would be able to practice pure and undefiled religion is by being in prayer and relying on the Holy Spirit to give us strength and not our own flesh. Also, we are not suppose to follow man made traditions like the Pharisees did, but study the Word of God intently and trying to live it out everyday. We should be motivated by our love for God and wanted to please Him. We are suppose to love the Lord our God with all our heart soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves.
The truth is you don't really know how aware any one person is. Before Jesus was born the prophets were told by the Spirit that the Messiah was coming and their faith saved them. I don't know but maybe that is how God deals with unreached people today. But I do know that wisdom and riches and strength can actually be weaknesses when it comes to entering the kingdom. And you may say "well then God condones ignorance" but like you said what about the mentally handicapped. Whoever has alot will have alot expected from them and vise versa. That's what I believe anyway.

Any way you read that, it sounds like God is picky... intolerant even... and yet you choose to believe that because you really don't know what else to believe right now... and that's okay... was it you that said "seek and ye shall find"? Either way, it's good advice... it leads to open mindedness, the first step in releasing that nagging man-made fear of what's gonna happen when I die. You know God must be above being picky right? Either he loves you unconditionally as stated or he doesn't... which makes more sense to you?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Here is some news: the entire endeavor of human civilization produces war inevitably- ideas, theologies, politics- striving at some sense beyond mere resignation to nature and instinct- all of these bring human beings together in a variety of both uplifting, uniting and also dividing and violent ways.

Religion has a checkered past, like all great institutions of human striving.

Take some advice from an atheist, albeit a faithful atheist- that the very definition of barbarism is "making a clean slate of the past" and his citation from Simone Weil:

Andre Comte-Sponville (Parisian philosopher and atheist)

It is ludicrous to think our current treasured values were established without the assistance of religious concepts- or that, for many, they do not continue to act in this capacity.

Too true..

Its because our brains are too big.We have to wonder how we got here and whats going to happen to us when we arent.

Religion in a nutshell.




Well-Known Member
Right many pointless traditions in Christianity would fade away I bet if we studied the Bible more.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Right many pointless traditions in Christianity would fade away I bet if we studied the Bible more.

But see..it depends on who is dong the studying and if they have authority over others or not.(and how many at that)..

If they interpret with selfishnesh and greed...and they are a good speaker? Sheep will follow.

People (in general) are looking for a leader..IMHO




Well-Known Member
Any way you read that, it sounds like God is picky... intolerant even... and yet you choose to believe that because you really don't know what else to believe right now... and that's okay... was it you that said "seek and ye shall find"? Either way, it's good advice... it leads to open mindedness, the first step in releasing that nagging man-made fear of what's gonna happen when I die. You know God must be above being picky right? Either he loves you unconditionally as stated or he doesn't... which makes more sense to you?
You are saying it like I'm going through a process and if I make it through I'll see the light and realize I had it all wrong. I'll keep trying to seek more knowledge but at the same time there is no way for you to be 100% certain that what I believe is wrong.


Depends Upon My Mood..
You are saying it like I'm going through a process and if I make it through I'll see the light and realize I had it all wrong. I'll keep trying to seek more knowledge but at the same time there is no way for you to be 100% certain that what I believe is wrong.


You arent wrong..You are a precious individual.

