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Religion spreads hate & intolerance

They're certainly not the only ones, and never have been. You can even make a pretty good case that they aren't the very worst ones. It's interesting, though, that people who follow what is supposedly the one true faith, and who supposedly have some special relationship with God, can't come up with any better excuse for their behavior than Other people are bad, too.

Yeah. It's not just any certain religion or group of non-religious... it seems... okay... "seems" like it's a cumulative effect. You know... negativity breeds more negativity and such. My idea is to find ways to limit intolerance via it's routes. After all, we certainly attempt to slow down drug trafficking at it's routes. Of course you can't stop the spread of drugs... or intolerance, but we can get better at finding things in others we like, regardless of the differences. Impossible to reach... probably. But a common goal... an enterprise of uniting the human race... that's us... that's you... and we all deserve it.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say, but are you implying that Communist political beliefs are a natural outgrowth of Atheism? Because if so, there's someone I'd like for you to meet.
Yes, the all-loved reactionary to Communism...I stand behind my assessment, because without Communist philosophy occurring as result of Atheist philosophy, she would not have held her views against it(one can't stand against something that doesn't exist).


Well-Known Member
So we have here yet ANOTHER (or maybe 2) pseudo intellectual who cannot (or WILL not) distinguish between political persecution and religious persecution.

Communists kill people for POLITICAL reasons. Religion is foolishness; not worth killing ANYBODY over. Besides it sometimes can be useful.

Perhaps you forgot (or more likely never knew) Stalin open churches after the war started and encouraged people to go. He saw religious faith as useful - for morale. If believing in this stupid myth help people fight the war - go for it.

Which, BTW was Lenin's position also.

Have you never read The Attitude of the Workers' Party to Religion. No, probably not.

The problem with you religious fanatics is that because religion is SO important in your lives, because it colors virtually everything you do or say or think you imagine others feel the same.

We don't.

Religion is a puny mindless superstition. As long as you keep it to yourselves it ain't WORTH killing anybody over.:p

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Yes, the all-loved reactionary to Communism...I stand behind my assessment, because without Communist philosophy occurring as result of Atheist philosophy, she would not have held her views against it(one can't stand against something that doesn't exist).

I'm not sure if I have to be twice as intelligent as I am or half as intelligent as I am in order to understand why that comment is not utterly ludicrous.


Well-Known Member
Religion spreads hate and intolerance, therefor I am intolerant of it and hate it. Maybe hate and intolerance spreads hate and intolerance. You can go through the posts even on this website and see who is most likely to be using deragatory language which is evidence of their emotion.


Well-Known Member
Communists killed in the name of religion. They were attempting to expunge their world of religion and any that followed such a belief. They believed that if they could rid the world of the "religious evil," the world would be a safer place.
Still believe that religion is the root of all evil? When was the last time you read Mein Kampf?


Well-Known Member
So we have here yet ANOTHER (or maybe 2) pseudo intellectual who cannot (or WILL not) distinguish between political persecution and religious persecution.

Communists kill people for POLITICAL reasons. Religion is foolishness; not worth killing ANYBODY over. Besides it sometimes can be useful.

Perhaps you forgot (or more likely never knew) Stalin open churches after the war started and encouraged people to go. He saw religious faith as useful - for morale. If believing in this stupid myth help people fight the war - go for it.

Which, BTW was Lenin's position also.

Have you never read The Attitude of the Workers' Party to Religion. No, probably not.

The problem with you religious fanatics is that because religion is SO important in your lives, because it colors virtually everything you do or say or think you imagine others feel the same.

We don't.

Religion is a puny mindless superstition. As long as you keep it to yourselves it ain't WORTH killing anybody over.:p

I'm not sure if I have to be twice as intelligent as I am or half as intelligent as I am in order to understand why that comment is not utterly ludicrous.
And now we are back to "Atheists are smart and you are not." How many times is this comment going to go round the water cooler?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Paul was a follower of Jesus, not Jesus himself.

Thats what I always try to tell people too and they wont believe me..Even other Christians.They say "Paul said"..

So I throw it right back at um..




Well-Known Member
Was Paul not an apostle of Jesus Christ. Did Jesus never say to Ananias "go thy way for he is a chosen vessel." If you believe what the Bible says about Jesus why stop after John? And if you believe the gospel of Luke why not believe what he wrote in Acts.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
So we have here yet ANOTHER (or maybe 2) pseudo intellectual who cannot (or WILL not) distinguish between political persecution and religious persecution.

Communists kill people for POLITICAL reasons. Religion is foolishness; not worth killing ANYBODY over. Besides it sometimes can be useful.

Perhaps you forgot (or more likely never knew) Stalin open churches after the war started and encouraged people to go. He saw religious faith as useful - for morale. If believing in this stupid myth help people fight the war - go for it.

Which, BTW was Lenin's position also.

Have you never read The Attitude of the Workers' Party to Religion. No, probably not.

The problem with you religious fanatics is that because religion is SO important in your lives, because it colors virtually everything you do or say or think you imagine others feel the same.

We don't.

Religion is a puny mindless superstition. As long as you keep it to yourselves it ain't WORTH killing anybody over.:p
I'm not sure if I have to be twice as intelligent as I am or half as intelligent as I am in order to understand why that comment is not utterly ludicrous.
Religion spreads hate and intolerance, therefor I am intolerant of it and hate it. Maybe hate and intolerance spreads hate and intolerance. You can go through the posts even on this website and see who is most likely to be using deragatory language which is evidence of their emotion.
Thanks for proving that not only foolish pride, but even stupid personal attacks on others, has made out of the religious camp to infect you as well...
Yeah it's a vicious cycle. Killing in the name of anything religious, non-religious or political... doesn't matter... killing is killing. And according to a set of doctrines handed down from someone, somewhere, for some reason, a long time ago, killing is considered to be wrong. Does it really take any religion to tell a person of sound mind that killing is wrong? Seems natural to me. After all, if killing was innate in all humans, just imagine... no laws could be made (or would even be considered) to curb a total carnage, as life would instead be. I like civility and humaneness and especially the peace of mind it brings when I imagine it to be real. Then I turn on the news... and reality strikes back. But who's reality? Really... who's? Mine or the media? How much of what we perceive to be real only becomes so "to us" because of our belief in it? Sound familiar?

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
And now we are back to "Atheists are smart and you are not." How many times is this comment going to go round the water cooler?

I'm not exactly an Atheist or a Theist. Nor do I base my estimation of a person's intelligence on their belief system. I will, however, base that estimation on how effectively they express that belief system, and how comprehensible they are.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
First, let me address one of the big questions touted by non-believers and it's a damn good question... "Why doesn't God heal amputee's?" Same reason he/she doesn't heal all people... he/she apparently doesn't work that way.

Well She just seems to love starfish and lizards more then humans, because both of them are able to grow back there appendages.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Well She just seems to love starfish and lizards more then humans, because both of them are able to grow back there appendages.

NO NO NO!!! Some humans are born with TWO heads ..So they didnt even have to lose one first..GOD does not descriminate! It all evens out in the end.




Well-Known Member
Also in regards to the OP, people die injustly all the time, but the earth won't cover their blood forever. Whether you believe it or not Solomon was wiser than any of us and he said that there was a time of judgement for everything. And that if someone shortened their life by righteousness while another lengthened it by wickedness that still it was surely better to be righteous. One day all the dead will rise to be judged for the things they have done in this life. And many that are first will be last and the last will be first.
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Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I can honestly say that out of all the atheists I've known in my life, not one has been a communist - not even close in fact. The root philosophy of most atheists is the idea of free-thought, which is incompatible with communism. Communism is just another religion in most meaningful ways.


Guardian of Asgaard
Religion is not about who is right, it is about who is left, therefore, through a process of elimination (of the inferior) who are right by default :)
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Also in regards to the OP, people die injustly all the time, but the earth won't cover their blood forever. Whether you believe it or not Solomon was wiser than any of us and he said that there was a time of judgement for everything. And that if someone shortened their life by righteousness while another lengthened it by wickedness that still it was surely better to be righteous. One day all the dead will rise to be judged for the things they have done in this life. And many that are first will be last and the last will be first.

So? Who said Solomon really existed? How many supposed writers have already been found to be far far less than accurate and seemingly nothing more than fiction writers or plagiarists of other "religious" writings from earlier texts. No the bible wasn't the first religious works written. After all, better to wait say, 80+ years to write about something that no one alive can say, "hey I was there dude... didn't happen like that."

Again I ask... could a God that created all that is, be responsible for the creation and dissemination of a book with a meaning that seems to elude most and confuse the rest? Don't you think instead the bible would be absolutely clear to any and all that read it? Or even a more secure way to give us the information he wanted, without the risk of human tampering?