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Religion spreads hate & intolerance

Well, with christians the way we would be able to practice pure and undefiled religion is by being in prayer and relying on the Holy Spirit to give us strength and not our own flesh. Also, we are not suppose to follow man made traditions like the Pharisees did, but study the Word of God intently and trying to live it out everyday. We should be motivated by our love for God and wanted to please Him. We are suppose to love the Lord our God with all our heart soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves.

You are overlooking my point... pure and undefiled? That is God stuff, not mere mortal stuff... no matter how much a person prays for strength, study the word every day, go to church every day, they will never ever obtain a pure and undefiled state because too many other factors play in, brain chemistry, hormones, basic human nature, environmental aggravations.... the list just keeps going. If this the the prerequisite to a land of peace, we will not see it ever, in our current condition which by the way is called being human as in fallible.
You are saying it like I'm going through a process and if I make it through I'll see the light and realize I had it all wrong. I'll keep trying to seek more knowledge but at the same time there is no way for you to be 100% certain that what I believe is wrong.

Yes I am saying like you're going through a process because you are... although I do agree that I cannot be 100% certain that what you believe is wrong... no one has that kind of certainty except God himself and so far he ain't talkin' lol

Life, learning, everything is a "process"... don't fear it... embrace it.


New Member
I was taking that phrase from James 1:27 where it says Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.


New Member
Also the only we can be blameless before God is accepting the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to take away all our sins. No matter how hard we try to live a holy life, we are sinners by nature and can never become perfect on this earth
I was taking that phrase from James 1:27 where it says Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Thank you.... "unstained from the world" Show me how to do that and maintain that the rest of my life. The orphans and widows was another way of saying love your neighbor... be a cool person, not a buttwrench.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Then ignorance at some level must be bliss. Hmm. Don't know whether to laugh or be jealous of dogs. Talk about the good life.

You know its funny you say that..I mean no disrepect to the mentally challenged or those that care for them..But I have sometimes wished I was more like Forest Gump.He seemed to be happy and have it all figured out for the most part.



free spirit

Well-Known Member
All a go... if the original or current bible reflects real people and real history. The bible has more than a few competitors... all proclaiming the same "I'm the One" mantra. Have you decided based on free will or because christianity was your only choice growing up?

No my gender, my parents was decidet for me, so was my country and all that came with that. they gave me an education and a conscience of right and wrong. What I do with that is up to me, obviously I consider myself fortunate for who I am. So should all other people be happy for who they are. For God shows not partiality for if we do what is right he will meet us somewere on the way. Because true Christianity is not a religion but it is the character of God. Therefore it is beneficial to have a religion that teaches that character, but it is not always the case.:angel2:


Depends Upon My Mood..
Also the only we can be blameless before God is accepting the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to take away all our sins. No matter how hard we try to live a holy life, we are sinners by nature and can never become perfect on this earth

The problem is even AFTER we accept Christ we can still NEVER live a "holy" life without sin and be perfect..

So WHO gets to decide the standards here on Earth?If we are ALL going to be judged afterwards...No one is perfect so who is the boss?

And also ..WHO gave us our nature..?? I was JUST born..My parents had SEX and I got born..Should my parents PAY for that?..I did NOT ask to be born and its a CRIME to committ suicide..

I got PLOPPED down here to be told Im a sinner ..????


No my gender, my parents was decidet for me, so was my country and all that came with that. they gave me an education and a conscience of right and wrong. What I do with that is up to me, obviously I consider myself fortunate for who I am. So should all other people be happy for who they are. For God shows not partiality for if we do what is right he will meet us somewere on the way. Because true Christianity is not a religion but it is the character of God. Therefore it is beneficial to have a religion that teaches that character, but it is not always the case.:angel2:

Yes, not always the case... this being the poison I speak directly of in other posts... I'm talking about the intolerance... that needs to be minimized. Otherwise, yes you have every right to believe what you believe just as I ,so long as we don't decide to impose our beliefs (or negative actions as a result of) on each other or someone else as a result of either belief.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
I got PLOPPED down here to be told Im a sinner ..????
No DallasApple, You were not borne a sinner, you were borne a potential sinner. Somewhere along the way you sinned, therefore you became a sinner, sin is breaking the law, God's law to be exact. If you breake men's law you will become a delinguent and sujected to punishement, and so it is with God, it is simple no rocket science here.
The problem is even AFTER we accept Christ we can still NEVER live a "holy" life without sin and be perfect..

So WHO gets to decide the standards here on Earth?If we are ALL going to be judged afterwards...No one is perfect so who is the boss?

And also ..WHO gave us our nature..?? I was JUST born..My parents had SEX and I got born..Should my parents PAY for that?..I did NOT ask to be born and its a CRIME to committ suicide..

I got PLOPPED down here to be told Im a sinner ..????



Dallas... very keen thinking... imparts to the idea of punishment imposed on generations for some "original" sin... another head scratcher... why on earth would things be set up that way. Do we jail an entire town when someone breaks a law? And then jail there kids and then their kids and so on? Nope. Then why would God threaten eternal jail to EVERYONE for someone elses mistake... if that were all true. Obviously it's not true because that would make God an irrational God, much worse than any hanging judge this country has ever seen.


Done here.
No matter how hard we try to live a holy life, we are sinners by nature and can never become perfect on this earth
The first Christian excuse is Other people are bad, too. The second is Nobody's perfect.

What Christians always overlook is the fact that nobody's expecting perfection. If Christians were half trying, though, Christianity would be a hell of a lot closer.
No DallasApple, You were not borne a sinner, you were borne a potential sinner. Somewhere along the way you sinned, therefore you became a sinner, sin is breaking the law, God's law to be exact. If you breake men's law you will become a delinguent and sujected to punishement, and so it is with God, it is simple no rocket science here.

No freespirit... you were born a sinner according to your interpretation of sin, life and God. And I smell the fear of hell on your breath.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
Well, this has quickly become an area that one can't adequately insert a third opinion(aside from Athiest/Xtian) due to the tone.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Yes, not always the case... this being the poison I speak directly of in other posts... I'm talking about the intolerance... that needs to be minimized. Otherwise, yes you have every right to believe what you believe just as I ,so long as we don't decide to impose our beliefs (or negative actions as a result of) on each other or someone else as a result of either belief.
But if both of us have the character of the only God there is, there is no conflict even if you speak a language foreing to me.
Like if i Had to choose between been a murderer or been the victim, I would choose to be the victim, and if the other person is like me there will be no killing.
But religion "the poisen" gets between us.
Those in authority will have a lot of explaining to do with God
But if both of us have the character of the only God there is, there is no conflict even if you speak a language foreing to me.
Like if i Had to choose between been a murderer or been the victim, I would choose to be the victim, and if the other person is like me there will be no killing.
But religion "the poisen" gets between us.
Those in authority will have a lot of explaining to do with God

You said it... religion is what gets in the way... labeling anything causes a disease of sorts in the mind... labeling God can only be infinitely worse.