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Religion spreads hate & intolerance

I do not fear for I am at one with God. On the other hand, you do not fear because you are in darkness, so you do not see what is coming.:angel2:

Okay so the "fear of hell on your breath" statement was a bit much... sorry about that... I get carried away... Seriously though, we both want the same thing, I think all people do really... it's just a matter of what vehicle you care to take. So I'll be taking a jet while you muck along in a wooden boat with holes in the bottom. lol Just kidding! We're both on a path... doing some soul searching... so go easy on me... you don't know that i'm in darkness any more than you know that you're in light... I think it's clear we both have our points of view and that's respectable... but not worth being intolerant over right? After all, wars are started over this kind of chinning.


New Member
God solved our sin problem by sending us Jesus to pay for our sins for us, so if you except Him you dont have to worry about it. We an never be perfect, but God looks at our heart. He sees if we truely love Him above anything or anyone else and are trying to obey HIm and confessing and repenting of our sins to Him. In the parable of the seeds(or different types of believers) that Jesus told, only the good seed was the one who was a genuine believe and He describes them like this "The seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance." The other seeds (or people) got off the narrow path for different reason like they believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away from the faith, in others the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart and they stop believing, and other ones get caught up with worries and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to maturity.You can read about this in Luke 8:4-21


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Religion spreads hate & intoleranceAfter 35 years of watching the actions of religious and non-religious people, I've come to a clear conclusion that religion tends to create judgmental, unstable, psychotic, intolerant and hateful people... therefore all religions that promotes intolerance should be banned.

I can't speak of other religions specifically outside of christianity, so I won't. [snip]
I welcome any and all questions or critisicms.
If you mean "Christianity," say "Christianity," not "religion."

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
So true, religion infuriates me, because it causes so much war, adn people say not to pay attention to that, and pay attention to the love, how loving is killing billions of people, including babies?

Religion is seldom the cause of war but rather the excuse. If you look at most wars you will find the underlying reasons to be much more mundane. Even the crusades were nothing more than an attempt to aquire land and aquire political power in Europe by finding a way to remove the secular leadership. On the Islamic side it was just a forced migration out of Asia and not due to any religious reasons.


Premium Member
I get tired of hearing about how religion is the cause of hatred, war, intolerance. Once the discussion begins the author of the original thread shoves only Christianity into the mix, too. I have said many times here that there are always bad people in any group- people who cause pain and suffering. But that isn't just limited to religious people, theists, and not even Christians. Even if a person uses his or her faith to cause someone pain or a group of people pain or puts them to death, etc, it is not the fault of the faith, but of the people who caused the pain.
Most Christians pray, read the Bible, etc. Very few are like the Westboro Baptist Church. Most Christians of the past were the same- it was only small percentage of people of Christian faith who caused acts like the Spanish Inquisition. The regular folks were at home taking care of their families.
Add to the mix that Christianity isn't the only faith by a long shot- there are thousands, maybe millions of different faiths and religions.


Well-Known Member
I would have to say that there isn't too many people living on this earth that are not influenced in some way be religion. If we think we're not, we are pretty naive. Most of us have been raised in a home where religious beliefs have been taught to us and even those who were not still likely had exposure through things the parents didn't even equate with religious beliefs. Our species comes from an ancient mindset of myth and superstition. This has been passed down to younger generations for centuries and it is impossible to know just what percentage of our beliefs come from this era of humanity. So, having said that, it is our old outdated, probably religious unconscious mindsets that have had most of the influence on our societies. It doesn't matter if you are part of a religious group or an athiest, if you want to justify doing something that is not in the best interests of society as a whole, you will find it somewhere. Hitler is a good example because he was a catholic, but also secular. He just took bits and pieces from where ever he pleased to come up with the justification of the holocaust. People will always find a way to justify their deeds.

The problem with some of the religions is their tendency to take their holy books literally. This leads to obvious problems, because these books can justify alot of violence and prejudice. We see that in those religions that read these books literally. I see "those" mindsets as a problem and yes it would be nice to see them gone. However, those who find support and comfort from religion and support tolerance of other beliefs, I say, go for it. We all need love and support in our lives where ever we can find that. The only time I have a problem with religion is when they decide I must believe what they believe and try to force, discriminate or kill in the name of their belief system. That I would like to see eliminated. Some religions just seem to have the "predisposition" to become fanatic.
God solved our sin problem by sending us Jesus to pay for our sins for us, so if you except Him you dont have to worry about it. We an never be perfect, but God looks at our heart. He sees if we truely love Him above anything or anyone else and are trying to obey HIm and confessing and repenting of our sins to Him. In the parable of the seeds(or different types of believers) that Jesus told, only the good seed was the one who was a genuine believe and He describes them like this "The seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance." The other seeds (or people) got off the narrow path for different reason like they believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away from the faith, in others the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart and they stop believing, and other ones get caught up with worries and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to maturity.You can read about this in Luke 8:4-21

please... and you quote from luke... of all the writers... lol from the way you wrote that, seems even you doubt the accuracy of the information you quote...


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I meant exactly what I wrote... "any religion that promotes intolerance" ... christianity included obviously.
Except you also said you couldn't speak to any religion except Christianity. Didn't stop you from indicting religion as a whole in your title.
I get tired of hearing about how religion is the cause of hatred, war, intolerance. Once the discussion begins the author of the original thread shoves only Christianity into the mix, too. I have said many times here that there are always bad people in any group- people who cause pain and suffering. But that isn't just limited to religious people, theists, and not even Christians. Even if a person uses his or her faith to cause someone pain or a group of people pain or puts them to death, etc, it is not the fault of the faith, but of the people who caused the pain.
Most Christians pray, read the Bible, etc. Very few are like the Westboro Baptist Church. Most Christians of the past were the same- it was only small percentage of people of Christian faith who caused acts like the Spanish Inquisition. The regular folks were at home taking care of their families.
Add to the mix that Christianity isn't the only faith by a long shot- there are thousands, maybe millions of different faiths and religions.

of course it's not just christianity that's had it's problems of attracting and or creating problems for society... I just speak of the one specific religion that I know something about. As for the others, no doubt they too have their hand in the same problem but without knowing/experiencing any other religion, I don't make claims about them... I leave that to those that know about their belief system specifically. Also, if you read my OP, I don't say "just" religious people, but non-religious as well... intolerance is intolerance regardless of the belief system or lack there of.
I would have to say that there isn't too many people living on this earth that are not influenced in some way be religion. If we think we're not, we are pretty naive. Most of us have been raised in a home where religious beliefs have been taught to us and even those who were not still likely had exposure through things the parents didn't even equate with religious beliefs. Our species comes from an ancient mindset of myth and superstition. This has been passed down to younger generations for centuries and it is impossible to know just what percentage of our beliefs come from this era of humanity. So, having said that, it is our old outdated, probably religious unconscious mindsets that have had most of the influence on our societies. It doesn't matter if you are part of a religious group or an athiest, if you want to justify doing something that is not in the best interests of society as a whole, you will find it somewhere. Hitler is a good example because he was a catholic, but also secular. He just took bits and pieces from where ever he pleased to come up with the justification of the holocaust. People will always find a way to justify their deeds.

The problem with some of the religions is their tendency to take their holy books literally. This leads to obvious problems, because these books can justify alot of violence and prejudice. We see that in those religions that read these books literally. I see "those" mindsets as a problem and yes it would be nice to see them gone. However, those who find support and comfort from religion and support tolerance of other beliefs, I say, go for it. We all need love and support in our lives where ever we can find that. The only time I have a problem with religion is when they decide I must believe what they believe and try to force, discriminate or kill in the name of their belief system. That I would like to see eliminated. Some religions just seem to have the "predisposition" to become fanatic.

Exactly, if religion in general always promoted peace and social integration without fear, prejudice and intolerance, this forum wouldn't be here. It's not religion specifically... it's the mindset that tends to come with it... you nailed it.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
All reports point to their bible. So basically they're intolerant because of the bible tells them to. Why would God do that?
Nah. They're intolerant because they're intolerant. The Bible also tells them they can't eat shellfish, wear blended fabrics, or get divorced. They have no trouble ignoring those parts. Also, many Christians (sadly, not enough, but many) are perfectly tolerant.


Guardian of Asgaard
Nah. They're intolerant because they're intolerant. The Bible also tells them they can't eat shellfish, wear blended fabrics, or get divorced. They have no trouble ignoring those parts. Also, many Christians (sadly, not enough, but many) are perfectly tolerant.

Perhaps christians are only capable of tackling one piece of dogma at a time. Seems like a case of "any excuse to hate." They've transferred the hate from black people to the homosexuals now, who's next?

Some are tolerant, its easier to make exceptions for the ones that are tolerant though.