Hello Lisa S,
Post #1:
"The chief consolation for Nature's shortcomings in regard to man is that not even God can do all things. For he cannot, even if he should so wish, commit suicide, which is the greatest advantage he has given man among all the great drawbacks of life" -Pliny the Elder...
Hello Enlighten;
It is written,
"Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment" John 7:24
"You judge by human standards (or flesh); I pass judgment on NO one." John 8:15
"As for the person who hears my words but does NOT keep them, I do
NOT judge him. For I did NOT come to...
Hello Gnostic
I will attempt to answer, and hopefully my answer will be suffice.
Perhaps you already know the answer to the question. But you
are patiently waiting for a christian or a bible believer to answer
in a "certain way", that will enable you to...perhaps, ask another
question for...
Hello starrazor,
I tell you the truth, my Father knows no sin and judges no one.
For sin abides in the one who has conceived it. And the one
whom has conceived it (sin)judges by his own righteousness
and not by what is true.
Truth, Life & Love
Hello, my name is simplytruth
Perhaps, if allowed, I can shed a little light on the subject.
It appears, that the author is...at first, speaking from the perception of Noah.
(read v. 8 again) You see, the things that Noah did to determine the dryness of
the earth. But Noah is only human, he...