Ok I have taken advice and I let my 5 year old daughter go to a non-denominational church with her godmother (my best friend) and she loved it there to the point where now she wants to go to church. The only problem is I don't know how to bring that up to my husband because she only told me. I...
I would live in a house (beachfront) with my family and be an author. I'm an aspiring author at the moment but if I could do that full-time without having to work , that would be great. Of course we would travel all over as well.
I know that my daughter understands a lot more than most people give her credit for but I am going to teach her things about Catholicism, even though that is not my belief, when she is much older, not now. Here are my beliefs: I only believe in God (1) not (3) the holy trinity because I believe...
My daughter didn't like going to chruch with my parents either. She said it was boring too but she was still curious about what they were talking about so thats why she asked me about it.
If I were you use youtube or some other outlet. Blogtalkradio has too many rules about what you can say or do on there. There is also another platform called Blogtv where you can broadcast. It is a video webcast just like youtube but you can do live shows with this unlike youtube. I hope this helps.
I write essays for a living so from my experience you only single space if specified because it is harder to read and it goes by the professor's standards. Other than that, you use double space.
No I do not plan on bringing up anything about hell. I think that would be too scary for a child her age to even comprehend. I think right now from what all of you have told me it would be best to explain to her what my husband and I believe but I do have one other question... if other people...
thank you all for the advice I'm going to tell her what we believe and let her know about other religions as well what they believe so she has a big picture of what religion is
Ok. Well my husband and I believe there is a God but we are not affiliated with any religion and we do not talk about religion in our house. Well our 5 year old went to my parents house for a week (they are Catholic and go to church) and of course they brought her to church. I did not know about...