Supposedly, we are all children of God, and I would never sentence my son/daughter to eternal damnation because s/he got drunk and danced around with a feather-duster up his/her rear. And I don't think God should, either.
As for not telling anyone, well, Santa has never told anyone the...
He debates with all the depth necessary for a fairly intelligent human being to understand. There is no missing link in the trace of humanity's evolution. If you can show me a missing link, I'll back down on that position, but I honestly don't think you can.
I don't know which American...
After having read large chunks of the Bible and conversing about it with my pastor, I've come to the conclusion that many Christians say that the Bible is "figurative" whenever they find a story that just sounds stupid when taken literally, or when they don't have a good literal answer.
Why must matter and energy be assisted? There are universal laws that are in effect even without God's help. Unless you're working under the assumption that God is involved with every minute little detail of the world. When you pick up your car keys in the morning, it isn't actually you...