My opinion is that it should be illegal to teach children below the age of 12 about the mythical place called Hell or its equivalents. It can cause great emotional torment, and is completely unfounded in evidence and fact, anyway. Why give children something pointless to worry about?
First of all, my opinion is that testing your hypotheses and beliefs is a much greater approach to life than simply accepting blindly without reason (faith).
Religion is based on faith, and therefore is not based on evidence. When religious people call science a religion, I am simply astounded...
The Bible is a book written by humans, for humans. There is no evidence of divinity there. Therefore, you can not expect people from centuries past to know about evolution when it was only discovered years later.
I am a supporter of gay, transgender rights etc.
I believe that it is bigoted of religious people to say that gay people will go to Hell because they are gay. It is so stupid it isn't worth thinking about.
Homosexuality is not a choice. That is fact. So why should we discriminate against...
I am Richard.
I am an atheist who is looking to have constructive, productive debate with people.
I have observed this forum for a while and the members seem pretty good, so here I am.