so we all kinda agree that there is no real evidence to support he existed right, we have the bible and that doesnt count as its roughly 2000yrs old and has no first person accounts, but for some reason we are kinda going on as if he did exist.
so historical jesus didnt exist(as far as we know)...
to be honest it is where i first heard it i didnt pay to much notice untill the religulous documentary came out and thats when i started to look into it myself, people who believe in zeitgeist are just as bad as the ones on the otherside, the guy made it to make a point about making judgments...
Im not being rude and i know that islam does teach love, respect and peace, but it does have its flaws they all do. The bible tells us to fight and die for gods sake, it tells us to never renounce your religion or you will go to hell and rather hold it high and die proud. Islam is they same i...
yeah well id say they are in a sort of infancy, they may be an old religion but it seems they are going through the same phase the christian/catholics went through its just that because of technology and all its has a much greater potential to do damage
sorry but that documentry, whoever said i got it from a documentry, horus is exactly the same and predates jesus also krishna and buddah are similar its why some hindus believe in christ krishna, christ buddah and christ jesus. i know the link isnt too accurate, ok so i cant post links yet, type...
confront him, talk to him ask him why he left, ask him whats important in his life and well if he says a genuine 'im sorry' leave it at that and move on, him being in jail wont make a difference now it wont change his feelings because i bet he is distraught, let the kids have there daddy be the...
well i was born december 1989 to both christian/catholic parents, i had a fairly mild religious upbringing, i didnt go to church weekly or really at all but still its was always taught with absolute certainty the Jesus Christ WAS the son of god. so throughout my childhood i was well, an avid...
so guys sorry to tell you all but there is actually no evidence that jesus ever existed, no roman documents about his crucifiction, which they were anal about. there is only one reference to jesus christ during that time and that was proven to be a forgery. not one of the major historians even...