I have read the entire bible all 73 books minus maybe a couple small parts in the Old Testament
I read the New Testament at least five times once in one year and the Old Testament in bits and pieces over about 5 years
Also if you go to my church the Roman Catholic Church over a course of 7...
Well yes the Roman Catholic Church is the only true faith because Jesus is God and he founded the Catholic Church. All other religions are false or incomplete
Eph 4:5
One faith one lord one baptism
No where in the bible do you see people having to wait to a certain age to be baptized your infant baptism is valid
I suggest though you return to the Catholic Church since Jesus founded the Catholic Church
Follow God don't make your beliefs fit into what you think he is follow his truth that is why I am not part of a denomination but part of the church Jesus founded he Roman Catholic Church
I'd have to research it but there is catholic teaching that talks about how close you are to the action
For instance if you sold medical equipment to planned parenthood it is sinful but if your ads the equipment sold it to someone and intern they sold it to planned parenthood without your...
They are because they are imitating Jesus as he was as as Paul said if you can it should but most can't
As a catholic I know celibate adult men and women that aren't a religious order but just lay people so they can dedicate thier life fully to Jesus
Because Jesus started a church the Roman Catholic Church that wrote the bible and decided what books belong in it
Jesus gave the apostles he authority and today Jesus gives the pope and the bishops authority